本文关键字:WinForms 视图 绘制 所有者 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:50:17
我有一个带有复选框的TreeView控件,它完全是所有者绘制的(DrawMode = TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawAll
private void TreeViewControl_DrawNode(Object sender, DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e)
//What might seem like strange positioning/offset is to ensure that our custom drawing falls in
// line with where the base drawing would appear. Otherwise, click handlers (hit tests) fail
// to register properly if our custom-drawn checkbox doesn't fall within the expected coordinates.
Int32 boxSize = 16;
Int32 offset = e.Node.Parent == null ? 3 : 21;
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(e.Bounds.X + offset, e.Bounds.Y + 1), new Size(boxSize, boxSize));
ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox(e.Graphics, bounds, e.Node.Checked ? ButtonState.Checked : ButtonState.Normal);
if (e.Node.Parent != null)
Color c = Color.Black;
String typeName = e.Node.Name.Remove(0, 4);
Object o = Enum.Parse(typeof(CalendarDataProvider.CalendarDataItemType), typeName);
if (o != null && (o is CalendarDataProvider.CalendarDataItemType))
c = CalendarDataProvider.GetItemTypeColor((CalendarDataProvider.CalendarDataItemType)o);
bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(bounds.X + boxSize + 2, e.Bounds.Y + 1), new Size(13, 13));
using (SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(c))
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, bounds);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, bounds);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point(bounds.X + 1, bounds.Bottom + 1), new Point(bounds.Right + 1, bounds.Bottom + 1));
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point(bounds.Right + 1, bounds.Y + 1), new Point(bounds.Right + 1, bounds.Bottom + 1));
Font font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9f, e.Node.Parent == null ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Regular);
bounds = new Rectangle(new Point(bounds.X + boxSize + 2, e.Bounds.Y), new Size(e.Bounds.Width - offset - 2, boxSize));
e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.Text, font, Brushes.Black, bounds);