windows phone 8.1的自定义Xaml裁剪控制

本文关键字:Xaml 裁剪 控制 自定义 phone windows | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:07:16

我正在编写一个Windows Phone 8.1应用程序,要求我裁剪图像以产生另一个方形图像(250 × 250)。我需要xaml和示例代码后面的代码,我可以用来做裁剪。网上找到的示例是针对旧的 WP8的,它们不是很有帮助。任何帮助都将不胜感激。

windows phone 8.1的自定义Xaml裁剪控制



 public static WriteableBitmap centerCropImage(WriteableBitmap image)

        int originalWidth = image.PixelWidth;
        int originalHeight = image.PixelHeight;
        //Getting the new width
        int newWidth = originalWidth > originalHeight? originalHeight : originalWidth;
        //Calculating the cropping points
        int cropStartX, cropStartY;
        if(originalWidth > originalHeight){
            cropStartX = (originalWidth - newWidth)/2;
            cropStartY = 0; 
            cropStartY = (originalHeight - newWidth)/2;
            cropStartX = 0; 
        //Then use the following values to get the cropped image
        var cropped = image.Crop(new Rect(cropStartX, cropStartY, newWidth, newWidth));
        //Then resize the new square image to 250 by 250 px
        var resized = WriteableBitmapExtensions.Resize(cropped, 250, 250, WriteableBitmapExtensions.Interpolation.NearestNeighbor);
        return resized;