HttpWebRequest 15秒延迟性能问题

本文关键字:问题 性能 延迟 15秒 HttpWebRequest | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:07:59

我有一个c# Windows应用程序运行为"NT AUTHORITY'Network Service",需要通过HTTPS向托管在Apache Tomcat上的服务器发出POST请求。我使用HttpWebRequest发出请求。我通过设置ServicePointManager来接受服务器证书。ServerCertificateValidationCallback委托。在调用HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()和调用ServerCertificateValidationCallback回调之间有很长的延迟(~ 15秒)。



  • 通过设置请求禁用代理。Proxy=null,并在app.config
  • 中设置defaultProxy enabled="false"
  • 设置request.ServicePoint。Expect100Continue = false
  • 设置ServicePointManager。CheckCertificateRevocationList = false
  • ServicePointManager。Expect100Continue = false




        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateRemoteCertificate);
        ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
        ServicePointManager.CheckCertificateRevocationList = false;

   public static bool ValidateRemoteCertificate( object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors policyErrors)
        Trace.TraceInformation("HttpWebClient.ValidateRemoteCertificate: Implicitly allowing SSL certificate");
        return true;


        HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) HttpWebRequest.Create(uri);
        request.KeepAlive = false;
        request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
        request.Method = "POST";
        request.Proxy = null;
        request.AuthenticationLevel = AuthenticationLevel.None;
        request.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
        request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;

        byte[] postBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(post_data);

        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        request.ContentLength = postBytes.Length;

            Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();

            Trace.TraceInformation("HttpWebClient.SendRequest Sending request of length {0}...", postBytes.Length);
            requestStream.Write(postBytes, 0, postBytes.Length);
            Trace.TraceInformation("HttpWebClient.SendRequest Request sent");
        catch (Exception e)
            Trace.TraceInformation("HttpWebClient.sendRequest: exception {0}, {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

        Trace.TraceInformation("HttpWebClient.SendRequest Fetching HTTP response...");
        HttpWebResponse response;
        response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();


>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Receive()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Receive
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000000 : 14 03 01 00 01                                 
> : .....
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Receive()     -> 5#5
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Receive()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Receive
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000005 : 01                                             
> : .
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Receive()     -> 1#1
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] InitializeSecurityContext(credential =
> System.Net.SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY, context = 4b0cd8:12d34d0,
> targetName =, inFlags = ReplayDetect, SequenceDetect,
> Confidentiality, AllocateMemory, InitManualCredValidation)
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7596885Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2, Out-Buffer
> length=0, returned code=ContinueNeeded).
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Receive()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Receive
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000000 : 16 03 01 00 30                                 
> : ....0
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Receive()     -> 5#5
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Receive()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Receive
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000005 : A6 50 8C D0 69 C7 46 E5-AB AA B7 D9 02 08 DF E7
> : .P..i.F.........
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000015 : C1 49 0C 98 6C 2F 4C 06-3E 3C 00 ED D2 09 70 56
> : .I..l/L.><....pV
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000025 : AB 4A E0 E8 5F B0 04 0D-3C 97 41 CE A1 B2 89 26
> : .J.._...<.A....&
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Receive()     -> 48#48
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] InitializeSecurityContext(credential =
> System.Net.SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY, context = 4b0cd8:12d34d0,
> targetName =, inFlags = ReplayDetect, SequenceDetect,
> Confidentiality, AllocateMemory, InitManualCredValidation)
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2, Out-Buffer
> length=0, returned code=OK).
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] Remote certificate: [Version]   V3
> [Subject]   CN=company Desktop Server, OU=company Desktops, O=company
> Inc., L=city, S=California, C=US   Simple Name: company Desktop Server
> DNS Name: company Desktop Server
> [Issuer]   CN=company Desktop Server, OU=company Desktops, O=company
> Inc., L=city, S=California, C=US   Simple Name: company Desktop Server
> DNS Name: company Desktop Server
> [Serial Number]   AAAAAAAA
> [Not Before]   8/26/2011 9:41:33 PM
> [Not After]   9/2/2021 9:41:33 PM
> [Thumbprint]   46E130D012348CE5EA5E570CCDA5F872A1111111
> [Signature Algorithm]   sha1RSA(1.2.840.113549.1.1.5)
> [Public Key]   Algorithm: RSA   Length: 1024   Key Blob: 30 81 89 02
> 81 81 00 85 9b fd 1b fc d3 98 3b 67 1b a0 7f fc 7c 69 f9 11 0e 93 d3
> 9b 06 cc 1e 73 74 ed d2 bc 60 1b 4d 62 c7 96 70 99 7f 59 89 f3 d1 c7
> 28 7a e3 d8 98 90 36 52 b9 99 eb fa 68 4b ea 4c 5d 07 88 75 1a 59 8e
> e0 b0 54 c9 f2 a5 94 47 6a 91 07 83 29 4c 0b fc ef 38 72 08 26 0a ba
> b9 85 0e e6 2e a6 29 8d ca 5b 9b e5 41 a5 66 73 e0 37 34 f0 7a a....
**>     **DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7796885Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] SecureChannel#46104728 - Remote certificate has errors:
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] SecureChannel#46104728 -   Certificate name mismatch.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] SecureChannel#46104728 -   A certificate chain processed, but
> terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust
> provider.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] SecureChannel#46104728 - Remote certificate was verified as
> valid by the user.****
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Send()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Send
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000000 : 17 03 01 00 B0 B5 76 03-D9 27 40 8F F8 FE 7E FE
> : ......v..'@...~.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000010 : 94 09 8B F9 73 2D 0C 3E-F9 34 2C 00 C3 6D 59 63
> : ....s-.>.4,..mYc
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000020 : C0 2E EB 03 BE 4E 7D 41-5C D6 ED 85 E9 9C 06 33
> : .....N}A'......3
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000030 : 72 1A AE 81 BB 86 29 C7-F0 03 F6 66 A6 2C 75 98
> : r.....)....f.,u.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000040 : D4 3A 74 02 C7 F8 63 DE-23 18 51 95 9C 2C 1A 01
> : .:t...c.#.Q..,..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000050 : 42 03 36 B6 29 FE 00 B5-83 4A DE E1 F5 34 22 B1
> : B.6.)....J...4".
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000060 : E7 42 0F D8 88 D7 72 CA-9C D1 AC 18 D9 2B 55 39
> : .B....r......+U9
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000070 : 3E 8B A4 A2 2D 8B 10 30-0A 40 D4 08 F7 26 56 7B
> : >...-..0.@...&V{
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000080 : FF 6A CC 60 BB BE 80 6A-1C 0A AE C7 3B 86 85 09
> : .j.`...j....;...
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000090 : FD 92 AA A4 56 91 24 9F-50 7C B5 10 10 7B BA 06
> : ....V.$.P|...{..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 000000A0 : D0 78 77 6A 2E 00 50 CD-C8 5C 33 06 E6 4A 17 17
> : .xwj..P..'3..J..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 000000B0 : 93 98 20 EE 41                                 
> : .. .A
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Send()    -> 181#181
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] ConnectStream#34948909 - Sending headers { Content-Type:
> application/x-www-form-urlencoded Host: Content-Length:
> 38 Connection: Close }.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] Exiting HttpWebRequest#33574638::GetRequestStream()    ->
> ConnectStream#34948909
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] ConnectStream#34948909::Write()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Send()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Send
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000000 : 17 03 01 00 40 01 D7 42-04 F0 1C 0A 00 2C 39 70
> : ....@..B.....,9p
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000010 : 7F C8 55 03 99 25 66 06-CD 6F 28 6E E7 7B 04 71
> : ..U..%f..o(n.{.q
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000020 : C0 25 EF 63 2B 0D 64 0B-AC C2 05 22 E0 0C 88 2D
> : .%.c+.d...."...-
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000030 : 7A C9 B2 2B C1 32 8B 54-BA F8 6D 4D A2 17 A6 77
> : z..+.2.T..mM...w
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000040 : 38 CB 38 B0 88                                 
> : 8.8..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Send()    -> 69#69
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] Data from ConnectStream#34948909::Write
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] 00000000 : 6C 61 75 6E 63 68 52 65-66 3D 30 31 32 33 34 35 :
> launchRef=012345
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] 00000010 : 36 37 38 39 26 74 69 63-6B 65 74 3D 39 38 37 36 :
> 6789&ticket=9876
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] 00000020 : 35 34 33 32 31 30                               :
> 543210
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] Exiting ConnectStream#34948909::Write() 
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] ConnectStream#34948909::Close()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7997096Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] Exiting ConnectStream#34948909::Close() 
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7997096Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] ConnectStream#34948909::Close()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7997096Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] Exiting ConnectStream#34948909::Close() 
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7997096Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] HttpWebRequest#33574638::GetResponse()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7997096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Receive()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7997096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Receive
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000000 : 17 03 01 00 90                                 
> : .....
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Receive()     -> 5#5
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Socket#48285313::Receive()
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Data from Socket#48285313::Receive
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000005 : 80 05 0D 3E 37 E7 28 EB-EC 78 7C BC 20 DB 61 7B
> : ...>7.(..x|. .a{
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000015 : 73 8F 6E 71 A1 D6 B9 EA-04 C9 92 E9 8A 88 71 C6
> : s.nq..........q.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000025 : 7E DB 72 94 80 08 3F 14-CE 12 CC 5D F5 07 91 D0
> : ~.r...?....]....
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000035 : FB EF 7F 51 57 ED 2D 60-11 11 F8 1C 9C 58 99 E5
> : ...QW.-`.....X..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000045 : 20 8B 5B 0E 61 3C 55 05-89 75 72 F0 F0 5B 92 88
> :  .[.a<U..ur..[..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000055 : 40 C0 39 92 9B 21 E9 9E-69 A0 A8 53 9D 63 96 A5
> : @.9..!..i..S.c..
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000065 : C9 82 02 68 75 DD 44 E3-D7 90 57 66 3C F0 4E A3
> :<.N.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000075 : 6E F9 46 4C 40 EB 6A 74-EF 8E E9 76 4B 78 77 D4
> : n.FL@.jt...vKxw.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] 00000085 : A1 B1 97 01 BB 90 A9 CB-F7 C5 64 BE 0E 83 B3 6C
> : ..........d....l
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net.Sockets Verbose:
> 0 : [0412] Exiting Socket#48285313::Receive()     -> 144#144
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] Connection#35191196 - Received status line: Version=1.1,
> StatusCode=200, StatusDescription=OK.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] Connection#35191196 - Received headers { Connection: close
> Content-Length: 2 Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 14:37:30 GMT Server:
> Apache-Coyote/1.1 }.
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] ConnectStream#12289376::ConnectStream(Buffered 2 bytes.)
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] Associating HttpWebRequest#33574638 with ConnectStream#12289376
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net Information: 0 :
> [0412] Associating HttpWebRequest#33574638 with
> HttpWebResponse#43495525
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z System.Net Verbose: 0 :
> [0412] Exiting HttpWebRequest#33574638::GetResponse()     ->
> HttpWebResponse#43495525
>     DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.8297096Z

HttpWebRequest 15秒延迟性能问题


在ssl连接期间,调用windows update来更新根证书。这需要互联网连接。如果机器连接到互联网,将不会看到延迟。如果机器没有连接到互联网,则会看到15秒的延迟,因为这是网络检索更新的根证书的默认超时值。



gpedit开始。msc ->本地计算机策略->计算机配置->管理模板->系统-> Internet通信管理-> Internet通信设置->关闭自动根证书更新=启用

gpedit开始。msc ->本地计算机策略->计算机配置-> Windows设置->安全设置->公钥策略->证书路径验证路径。选择"网络检索"选项卡,启用"定义这些策略设置"。取消选择"自动更新root...."最重要的是将超时值设置为1


DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:16.7696885Z System.Net Information: 0 :

[0412] InitializeSecurityContext(credential =System.Net。SafeFreeCredential_SECURITY, context = 4b0cd8:12d34d0;targetName =, inFlags = ReplayDetect, SequenceDetect,机密性,allocatemmemory, InitManualCredValidation)DateTime = 2011 - 09 - 07 - t21:42:16.7696885z系统。网络信息:0:[0412] [au:] InitializeSecurityContext(In-Buffers count=2长度=0,返回代码=OK)。DateTime = 2011 - 09 - 07 - t21:42:16.7696885z系统。网络信息:0:[0412]远程证书:[Version] V3


DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Information: 0 :

[0412] SecureChannel#46104728 -证书名称不匹配。DateTime = 2011 - 09 - 07 - t21:42:31.7897095z系统。网络信息:0:[0412] SecureChannel#46104728 -已处理的证书链,但是在不受信任的根证书中终止提供者。

DateTime=2011-09-07T21:42:31.7897095Z System.Net Information: 0 :

[0412] SecureChannel#46104728 -远程证书被验证为**

