获取datetime with seconds到json中的下拉列表

本文关键字:下拉列表 json datetime with seconds 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:50:45




//gets filtered list with a group by on date, 
//just want to grab unique dates by the two filtered ids
IQueryable<mylistobject> filteredlist = 
    from c in db.mylistcontext
        where(c.TypeId == TypeId && c.DeptId == deptid)
        group c by new { c.myDateTime } into grp
        select grp.FirstOrDefault();
//form the value id / name
var result = (
    from r in filteredlist
        select new {
            //id =  r.myDateTime.Ticks.ToString(), //ticks is not supported
            id =  r.myDateTime.ToString(), //the seconds is truncated
            name = r.myDateTime.ToString() // the seconds gets cut off
 return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

获取datetime with seconds到json中的下拉列表


1) ASP。. NET MVC GET动作-返回日期为

public JsonResult GetDates()
    var result = new List<DateTime> {new DateTime(2013, 1, 1), new DateTime(2013, 4, 4)}
        .Select(x => new {id = x, name = x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)});
        return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

2) Сode客户端从服务器接收日期并发送"id"(这是我们的c# DateTime)而不更改

$.get("home/GetDates", function(dates) {
    $.post("home/ReceiveDate", { date: dates[0].id }, function(postResult) {
    }, "json");

3) ASP。. NET MVC POST Action -你可以接受JSON日期而不需要转换

public JsonResult ReceiveDate(DateTime date)
    return Json(new { date }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);