Linq to xml using ASP.Net

本文关键字:ASP Net using xml to Linq | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:08:35


XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("App_Data/Orders.xml"));
        string order = ddl.SelectedValue;
        var results = doc.Descendants("Order").Where(o => o.Attribute("OrderNumber").Value == "SO43659")
                         .Select(o => o.Elements("LineItem"));
        foreach (var r in results)
          ListBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(r.ToString()));


<Order OrderNumber="SO43659">
    <LineItem Line="1" PID="349" Qty="1" Price="2024.9940" Freight="50.6249" />
    <LineItem Line="2" PID="350" Qty="3" Price="2024.9940" Freight="151.8746" />
    <LineItem Line="3" PID="351" Qty="1" Price="2024.9940" Freight="50.6249" />
    <LineItem Line="4" PID="344" Qty="1" Price="2039.9940" Freight="50.9999" />
    <LineItem Line="5" PID="345" Qty="1" Price="2039.9940" Freight="50.9999" />
    <LineItem Line="6" PID="346" Qty="2" Price="2039.9940" Freight="101.9997" />
    <LineItem Line="7" PID="347" Qty="1" Price="2039.9940" Freight="50.9999" />
    <LineItem Line="8" PID="229" Qty="3" Price="28.8404" Freight="2.1630" />
    <LineItem Line="9" PID="235" Qty="1" Price="28.8404" Freight="0.7210" />
    <LineItem Line="10" PID="218" Qty="6" Price="5.7000" Freight="0.8550" />
    <LineItem Line="11" PID="223" Qty="2" Price="5.1865" Freight="0.2593" />
    <LineItem Line="12" PID="220" Qty="4" Price="20.1865" Freight="2.0187" />

Linq to xml using ASP.Net

var results = doc.Descendants("Order")
                 .Where(o => o.Attribute("OrderNumber").Value == "SO43659")
foreach (var r in results.Elements("LineItem"))
    ListBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(r.ToString()));

如果您不使用var,您会看到什么是错误的- results的每个元素是一个元素序列。下面是没有var的代码:

IEnumerable<IEnumerable<XElement>> results =
      .Where(o => o.Attribute("OrderNumber").Value == "SO43659")
      .Select(o => o.Elements("LineItem"));
foreach (IEnumerable<XElement> r in results)
    ListBox1.Items.Add(new ListItem(r.ToString()));


// Will go bang if there isn't exactly one matching order
IEnumerable<XElement> results =
      .Where(o => o.Attribute("OrderNumber").Value == "SO43659")
      .Select(o => o.Elements("LineItem"));


// Will find *all* the LineItem elements under *all* matching orders
IEnumerable<XElement> results =
      .Where(o => o.Attribute("OrderNumber").Value == "SO43659")
      .SelectMany(o => o.Elements("LineItem"));