ASP.. NET命令行问题

本文关键字:问题 命令行 NET ASP | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:08:41

我想执行一些ms dos命令从我们的asp.net代码(命令行参数)。但是系统不允许这样(Windows 2008服务器)。任何帮助都太好了。同样的代码在我们的Windows 2003服务器上运行良好。请看下面我使用的代码。

protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo =
    new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
    processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
    processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    Process process = Process.Start(processStartInfo);
    if (process != null)
        process.StandardInput.WriteLine("md test123");

ASP.. NET命令行问题


/// <summary> 
/// Leverages the Windows API (advapi32.dll) to programmatically impersonate a user. 
/// </summary> 
public class ImpersonationContext : IDisposable 
    #region constants 
    private const int LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE = 2; 
    private const int LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT = 0; 
    #region global variables 
    private WindowsImpersonationContext impersonationContext; 
    private bool impersonating; 
    #region unmanaged code 
    private static extern int LogonUserA(String lpszUserName, String lpszDomain, String lpszPassword, int dwLogonType, int dwLogonProvider, ref IntPtr phToken); 
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] 
    private static extern int DuplicateToken(IntPtr hToken, int impersonationLevel, ref IntPtr hNewToken); 
    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] 
    private static extern bool RevertToSelf(); 
    [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] 
    private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle); 
    #region constructors 
    public ImpersonationContext() 
        impersonating = false; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Overloaded constructor and begins impersonating. 
    /// </summary> 
    public ImpersonationContext(string userName, string password, string domain) 
        this.BeginImpersonationContext(userName, password, domain); 
    #region impersonation methods 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Begins the impersonation context for the specified user. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <remarks>Don't call this method if you used the overloaded constructor.</remarks> 
    public void BeginImpersonationContext(string userName, string password, string domain) 
        //initialize token and duplicate variables 
        IntPtr token = IntPtr.Zero; 
        IntPtr tokenDuplicate = IntPtr.Zero; 
        if (RevertToSelf()) 
            if (LogonUserA(userName, domain, password, LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE, LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT, ref token) != 0) 
                if (DuplicateToken(token, 2, ref tokenDuplicate) != 0) 
                    using (WindowsIdentity tempWindowsIdentity = new WindowsIdentity(tokenDuplicate)) 
                        //begin the impersonation context and mark impersonating true 
                        impersonationContext = tempWindowsIdentity.Impersonate(); 
                        impersonating = true; 
        //close the handle to the account token 
        if (token != IntPtr.Zero) 
        //close the handle to the duplicated account token 
        if (tokenDuplicate != IntPtr.Zero) 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Ends the current impersonation context. 
    /// </summary> 
    public void EndImpersonationContext() 
        //if the context exists undo it and dispose of the object 
        if (impersonationContext != null) 
            //end the impersonation context and dispose of the object 
        //mark the impersonation flag false 
        impersonating = false; 
    #region properties 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Gets a value indicating whether the impersonation is currently active. 
    /// </summary> 
    public bool Impersonating 
            return impersonating; 
    #region IDisposable implementation 
    public void Dispose() 
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) 
        if (disposing) 
            if (impersonationContext != null) 


using (ImpersonationContext context = new ImpersonationContext("user", "password", "domain")) 
    if (context.Impersonating) 
        ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo =  new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");   
        processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;   
        processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;   
        processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;   
        Process process = Process.Start(processStartInfo);      
        if (process != null)   
            process.StandardInput.WriteLine("md test123");   