格式文本不同的方式,如果TextLength = 13使用按键

本文关键字:TextLength 如果 文本 方式 格式 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:09:08

我有自动格式化电话号码的代码,格式为12 3456-7890

1234567890 = 12 3456-7890 (TextLength = 12)

我想让if TextLength = 13的格式是这样的

12345678901 = 12 34567-8901 (TextLength = 12)或者换句话说,将"-"的位置右移1位,并在最后一个字符上添加最后一个数字


private void txtFonecom_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Back)
        if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 2)
            txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text + " ";
            txtFonecom.SelectionStart = 3;
            txtFonecom.SelectionLength = 0;
        if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 7)
            txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text + "-";
            txtFonecom.SelectionStart = 8;
            txtFonecom.SelectionLength = 0;
        if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 13)
            //here i have to change format from 12 3456-7890 to 12 34567-8901

格式文本不同的方式,如果TextLength = 13使用按键

而不是手动处理按键,我建议使用mask 00 0000-0000的MaskedTextBox控件,因为该控件可以自动为您格式化输入。


private void txtFonecom_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Back)
        if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 2)
            txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text + " ";
            txtFonecom.SelectionStart = 3;
            txtFonecom.SelectionLength = 0;
        if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 7)
            txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text + "-";
            txtFonecom.SelectionStart = 8;
            txtFonecom.SelectionLength = 0;
        if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 12)
            int caretPos = txtFonecom.SelectionStart;
            txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Replace("-", string.Empty).Insert(8, "-");
            txtFonecom.SelectionStart = caretPos;


无论用户在任何地方删除或添加数字,该代码都将保持" ""-"在他们的位置:

void txtFonecom_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Back)   
                if (txtFonecom.TextLength == 2)
                    txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text + " ";
                    txtFonecom.SelectionStart = 3;
                if (txtFonecom.TextLength >= 7 && txtFonecom.TextLength < 12)
                    if (txtFonecom.Text.Substring(2, 1) == " ") //check if " " exists
                    { }
                    else //if doesn't exist, then add " " at index 2 (character no. 3)
                        txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                        txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Insert(2, " ");
                    txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Replace("-", String.Empty);   //now add "-" at index 7 (character no. 8)
                    txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Insert(7, "-");
                    txtFonecom.SelectionStart = txtFonecom.Text.Length;
                if (txtFonecom.TextLength >= 12)
                    if (txtFonecom.Text.Substring(2, 1) == " ") //check if " " exists
                    { }
                    else    //if doesn't exist, then add " " at index 2 (character no. 3)
                        txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                        txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Insert(2, " ");
                    txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Replace("-", String.Empty);   //now add "-" at index 8 (character no. 9)
                    txtFonecom.Text = txtFonecom.Text.Insert(8, "-");
                    txtFonecom.SelectionStart = txtFonecom.Text.Length;


if ((int)e.KeyChar >= 48 && (int)e.KeyChar <= 57)