
本文关键字:文字游戏 帮助 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:50:54




    public string CorrectPlace; // Correct letter and postion
    public string WrongPlace; // Correct letter but incorrect postion
    public string NoneExist;  // Wrong
    public string inputwordstring; // user input
    public string CorrectWord; // Correct word
    public char[] CorrectWordchar;
    public char[] InputWord;
    int x;// position
    int y; //position
    public int points = 0;
    char replacemt = '#'; 
    public string[] Wordarray = null; // Declare string array
    public string getRandomWord() // generate random word
        Random ran = new Random();
        return Wordarray[(ran.Next(0, Wordarray.Length - 1))];
    public void Gamers() // 
        Wordarray = new string[] { "radar", "andar", "axars", "rapar", "raser", "matar", "rikas", "ratas", "bakar", "bruka" }; // Dictionary
        CorrectWord = getRandomWord(); // store the random word in a string
    public void CheckWords(string name, Graphics g)
        if (CorrectWord == inputwordstring)
            points += 100;

        for (int i = 0; i < CorrectWord.Length; i++)  
            for (int b = 0; b < CorrectWord.Length; b++)
                CorrectWordchar = CorrectWord.ToCharArray();
                InputWord = inputwordstring.ToCharArray();
                if (InputWord[i] == CorrectWordchar[b]) // check if the have the same index
                    if (i == b)
                        CorrectPlace = CorrectWord;
                        SolidBrush s = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
                        FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Arial");
                        System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font(ff, 20);
                        g.DrawString(InputWord[i].ToString(), font, s, new PointF(x, y));
                        x += 20;
                        // draw out green letters
                        if (InputWord[b] != CorrectWordchar[b])
                            SolidBrush s = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkOrange);
                            FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Arial");
                            System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font(ff, 20);
                            g.DrawString(InputWord[b].ToString(), font, s, new PointF(x, y));
                            x += 20;
                            // Yellow letters
                            CorrectWordchar[b] = replacemt; // ersätter rätt bokstav med #
                            b = 4;
                            SolidBrush s = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);
                            FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Arial");
                            System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font(ff, 20);
                            g.DrawString(InputWord[b].ToString(), font, s, new PointF(x, y));
                            x += 20;
                            // Red letters




  1. 你有很多重复的代码只是因为你画红色和绿色。

  2. 大多数在WinForms绘图中使用的类必须被处理掉。否则你会遇到内存泄漏和GDI+泄漏。

  3. 使用图形。MeasureString获取每个字符的大小。生成的大小可用于X和y方向的转发

  4. 字符串的字符可以通过索引直接访问。您不需要将它们转换为字符数组。

    无效YourDrawMethod(图形g){var wrongBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);var correctBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);

    var ff = new FontFamily("Arial");使用(var font = new System.Drawing)字体(ff, 20)){Int x = 0;Int y = 0;

    foreach(car letter in InputWord)
      SolidBrush brush = InputWord[i] == CorrectWord[b] ? correctBrush : wrongBrush;
      g.DrawString(letter.ToString(), font, brush, new PointF(x, y));         
      Size sizeOfLetter = g.MeasureString(letter.ToString(), font);
      x += sizeOfLetter.Width;


    wrongBrush.Dispose ();correctBrush.Dispose ();}