
本文关键字:方法 整型 检查 盒装 原语 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:10:31


/// <summary>
/// Checks if <paramref name="x"/> is a boxed instance of a primitive integral type
/// whose numerical value equals to <paramref name="y"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">An object reference. Can be <c>null</c>.</param>
/// <param name="y">A numerical value of type <see cref="ulong"/> to compare with.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <c>true</c> if <paramref name="x"/> refers to a boxed instance of type 
/// <see cref="sbyte"/>, <see cref="short"/>, <see cref="int"/>, <see cref="long"/>, 
/// <see cref="byte"/>, <see cref="ushort"/>, <see cref="uint"/>, or <see cref="ulong"/>, 
/// whose numerical value equals to the numerical value of <paramref name="y"/>; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
/// </returns>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method checks only for numeric equality, even if its arguments are of different runtime types
/// (e.g. <c>2L</c> is considered to be equal to <c>2UL</c>).
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method returns <c>false</c> if <paramref name="x"/> is <c>null</c>
/// or refers to an instance of a reference type or a boxed instance of a value type except
/// the primitive integral types listed above (e.g. it returns <c>false</c> if <paramref name="x"/>
/// refers to a boxed instance of an <c>enum</c> type, <see cref="bool"/>, <see cref="char"/>, <see cref="IntPtr"/>,
/// <see cref="UIntPtr"/>, <see cref="float"/>, <see cref="double"/>, <see cref="decimal"/>, or <see cref="BigInteger"/>).
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// This method should not throw any exceptions, or cause any observable side-effects
/// (e.g. invoke a method that could modify the state of an object referenced by <paramref name="x"/>). 
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static bool NumericalEquals(object x, ulong y)



public static bool NumericalEquals(object x, ulong y)
    if (x is sbyte)
        sbyte z = (sbyte)x;
        return z >= 0 && y == (ulong)z;
    if (x is short)
        short z = (short)x;
        return z >= 0 && y == (ulong)z;
    if (x is int)
        int z = (int)x;
        return z >= 0 && y == (ulong)z;
    if (x is long)
        long z = (long)x;
        return z >= 0 && y == (ulong)z;
    if (x is byte)
        return y == (byte)x;
    if (x is ushort)
        return y == (ushort)x;
    if (x is uint)
        return y == (uint)x;
    if (x is ulong)
        return y == (ulong)x;
    return false;




public static bool NumericalEquals(object x, ulong y)
    var unsigned = (x as byte?) ?? (x as ushort?) ?? (x as uint?) ?? (x as ulong?);
    if (unsigned.HasValue)
        return (unsigned.Value == y);
    var signed = (x as sbyte?) ?? (x as short?) ?? (x as int?) ?? (x as long?);
    return (signed.HasValue) && (signed.Value >= 0) && ((ulong) signed.Value == y);

在最坏的情况下,将有3个强制转换(如objectsbyte?long?,然后将值转换为ulong),并且我不谈论Nullable<T> ab的使用,因此它可能比您的解决方案最慢。





public static bool NumericalEquals(object x, ulong y)
    if (x.GetHashCode() != y.GetHashCode()) return false;


public static bool NumericalEquals(object x, ulong y)
  if (x == null)
    return false;
  Type type = x.GetType();
  if (type.IsEnum)
    return false;
  switch (Type.GetTypeCode(type))
  case TypeCode.Byte:
    return (byte)x == y;
  ...other cases here
    return false;
