
本文关键字:困境 静态方法 包含 静态类 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:01

我的任务是映射两个酒店目录;两者都是CSV文件。根据它们的职责,我创建了两个类:1. CatalogManager:处理目录的I/O操作。2. CatalogMapper:处理两个目录的映射任务。


public static class CatalogManager
   public static List<Hotel> GetHotels(string filePath) { }
   public static void SaveHotels (List<Hotel> hotels, string filePath) { }
   public static void SaveMappedHotels (List<MappedHotel> hotels, string filePath) { }
   public static List<string> GetHotelChains(string filePath) { }
public static class CatalogMapper
   public static List<MappedHotel> MapCatalogs (List<Hotel> masterCatalog, List<Hotel> targetCatalog) { }
   public static FetchAddressGeoCodes (Hotel.Address address)
   { // fetch address's geocode using Google Maps API }
   public static string GetRelevantHotelChain (string hotelName)
      List<string> chains = CatalogManager.GetChains();
      // find and return the chain corresponding to hotelName. 


List<Hotel> masterCatalog = CatalogManager.GetHotels(masterFilePath);
List<Hotel> targetCatalog = CatalogManager.GetHotels(targetFilePath);
List<MappedHotel> mappedHotels = CatalogMapper.MapHotels(masterCatalog, targetCatalog);
CatalogManager.SaveMappedHotels(mappedHotels, mappedCatalogFilePath);





  • CatalogMapper应该在非酒店特定的Address上运行,

  • 或者,如果Hotel.Address是某种特殊的w.r.t GeoCodes,那么Hotel.Address应该能够将自己映射到没有CatalogMapper的GeoCode。

struct Hotel {
    const Address & address () const;
    // I typedef EVERTYTHING :-)    
    typedef std :: list <std :: string> StringList;
    typedef std :: pair <Hotel, Hotel> Pair;
    typedef std :: list <Hotel> Container; // TODO implicit sharing?
    typedef std :: list <Pair> Mapping;
    // NB will be implemented in terms of std::istream operations below,
    // or whatever the C# equivalent is.
    // These could arguably live elsewhere.
    static Container load (const std :: string &);
    static Mapping load_mapping (const std :: string &);
    static void save (const std :: string &, const Container &);
    static void save_mapping (const std :: string &, const Mapping &);
    // No need for a "Manager" class for this.
    static StringList load_chain (const string & file_name);
    static Hotel load (std :: istream &);
    void save (std :: ostream &) const;
// Global namespace, OK because of overloading. If there is some corresponding
// generic library function which merges pair-of-list into list-of-pair
// then we should be specialising/overloading that.
Hotel :: Mapping merge (const Hotel :: Container &, const Hotel :: Container &);
struct GeoCode {
   GeoCode (const Address &);
