
本文关键字:方法 查找 创建 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:08

我尝试从头创建一个find方法,以查看给定某些成员相等的两个对象是否相等,使用Equals方法这样做。我知道使用查找/包含方法会更快,但我不能使用它们。方法的签名是"static int Find(List c, Coffee x)"Find在c中查找x,如果x存在于c中,则返回有效索引(例如,0,1),否则返回-1。必须使用equals方法来确定等价性。如果传递的对象不等于列表中的当前对象,则将其添加到列表中(列表包含从基类派生的两种类型的对象,因此列表可以存储这两种类型)。等价物是由名称、成本、需求、持有成本和烘焙类型定义的,而无咖啡因咖啡是由名称、成本、需求、持有成本和最小数量定义的。以下是目前为止的内容:

  static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create objects and references
        Coffee obv = new Coffee();
        Decaf decafCoffee = null;
        Regular regularCoffee = null;
        List<Coffee> inventory = new List<Coffee>();

        // Prompt user for input and store it as a string
        Console.Write("Enter q to quit or the whole data as a comma delimited string using the following format Name,D,C,D:minQ or R:roast ");
        string s = Console.ReadLine();
        // Loop
        while (!s.ToLower().Equals("q"))
            // Split string up and assign componets to variables
            string[] values = s.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string name = values[0];
            string demand = (values[1]);
            string cost = (values[2]);
            string type = values[3];
            // Check for > 0 and convert to numbers
            float D = CheckDemand(demand);
            float C = CheckCost(cost);
            float M = 0;
            if (type.StartsWith("D:"))
                type = Regex.Match(type, @"'d+").Value;
                M = CheckMin(type);
                decafCoffee = new Decaf(name, D, C, M);
            else if (type.StartsWith("R:"))
                if (type.Contains("light"))
                    M = 1;
                    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);
                else if (type.Contains("medium"))
                    M = 2;
                    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);
                else if (type.Contains("dark"))
                    M = 3;
                    regularCoffee = new Regular(name, D, C, M);
                else Console.WriteLine("'nError, please enter all lower case '"dark'", '"medium'", or '"light'" next time.");
            else Console.WriteLine("'nError, please enter either '"D:'" followed by a number or '"R:'" followed by roast type next time.");
            Console.Write("'nEnter q to quit or the whole data as a comma delimited string using the following format Name,D,C,D:minQ or R:roast: ");
            s = Console.ReadLine();
        }   // End loop
        // Sort and  display values
        var sortedList = inventory.OrderBy(i => i.Q()).ToList();
        Console.WriteLine("'nName 't   C ($)      Demand 't  Detail   Q(lbs.)     TAC
        for (int j = 0; j < inventory.Count; j++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", sortedList[j].toString());


public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is Coffee)
            bool isNameEqual = Name.Equals(this.Name);
            bool isuCostEqual = Cost.Equals(this.Cost);
            bool isDemandEqual = Demand.Equals(this.Demand);
            bool ishCostEqual = h.Equals(this.h);
            bool isMinEqual = getQ.Equals(this.getQ);
            return (isNameEqual && isuCostEqual && isDemandEqual && ishCostEqual && isMinEqual);
        return false;



在Coffee和它的子类(如Decaf, Regular等)上实现一个'Equals'方法。现在您可以直接在列表中使用Contains方法。