在 C# 或 Java 中基于 C# 或 Java 中的多个分数进行字符串查找的好方法

本文关键字:Java 字符串 查找 方法 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:36:44

我正在寻找一种基于 C# 或 Java 中的各种分数返回字符串的好方法。例如,假设我有以下分数由双打表示:

double scoreIQ = 4.0;
double scoreStrength 2.0;
double scorePatience 9.0;


public static string ReturnScore(double scoreIQ, double scoreStrength, double scorePatience)
        if (scoreIQ <= 5.0)
            if (scoreStrength <= 5.0)
                if (scorePatience <= 5.0)
                    return "You're stupid, weak, and have no patience";
                else if (scorePatience <= 7.5)
                    return "You're stupid, weak, and have some patience";
                    return "You're stupid, weak, and have a lot of patience";
            //Continue elseif return string permutations here
        //Continue elseif return string permutations here

立即想到的事情是删除硬编码字符串并使用关键字/短语的字符串创建器,根据分数创建句子。我不想使用嵌套的 if 语句,因为如果我想超过 3 分怎么办?排列将呈指数级增长。


在 C# 或 Java 中基于 C# 或 Java 中的多个分数进行字符串查找的好方法


例如,让位 0

(从右到左编号的位,从 0 开始)对于 scoreIQ>= 4.0 为真,否则为 0。

让位 1 对于 scoreStrength>= 2.0 为真,否则为 0。

让位 2 对于 scorePatience>= 9.0 为真,否则为 0。

因此,如果您想知道某人的智商是否很高并且非常有耐心,但并不强壮,您可以使用位掩码为 101AND 运算符来执行此测试。


000 - person has poor IQ, is not strong, and is not patient
001 - person has good IQ, is not strong, and is not patient
011 - person has good IQ, is strong, and is not patient
110 - person has poor IQ, is strong, and is patient



// find out if person has good IQ and is patient, but not strong
int mask = 0;
mask |= (1<<0);  // set bit 0 (good IQ)
mask |= (1<<2);  // set bit 2 (patient)
if (personsMask & mask == mask) {
    // you know the person has a good IQ and is patient, but they are `not` strong


TreeMap<Double, String> patience = new TreeMap<Double, String>();
patience.put(0.0, "no");
patience.put(5.0, "some");
patience.put(7.5, "a lot of");
System.out.println("You have " + patience.floorEntry(6.0).getValue() + " patience!");

见 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/NavigableMap.html


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ScoreTextTranslator dec = new ScoreTextTranslator();
        dec.IfAtLeast(0, "stupid");
        dec.IfAtLeast(5, "average intelligence");
        dec.IfAtLeast(6, "smart");
class ScoreTextTranslator
    Dictionary<float, string> backing = new Dictionary<float, string>();
    public void IfAtLeast(float value, string text)
        backing.Add(value, text);
    public string GetTextForScore(float ActualScore)
        var scoreRange = backing.Keys.Where(a => a <= ActualScore);
        if (scoreRange.Count() == 0)
            throw new Exception("No valid score text exists");
            return backing[scoreRange.Max()];