
本文关键字:application 格式 pkcs7-mime 验证 何验证 加密 实体 mime | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:31







var parser = new MimeParser(new MemoryStream(content), MimeFormat.Default);
   MimeMessage  message = parser.ParseMessage();

        if (message.Body is  ApplicationPkcs7Mime) {
            using (var ctx = new MySecureMimeContext()) {  
                var encrypted = message.Body as ApplicationPkcs7Mime;
                if (encrypted != null && encrypted.SecureMimeType == SecureMimeType.EnvelopedData){
                    ctx.Import(new MemoryStream(p12data.blob),p12data.Pwd);
                    MimeEntity decrypted = encrypted.Decrypt(ctx);
                    if (decrypted is MultipartSigned) {                          
                        var signed = (MultipartSigned)decrypted;
                        var protocol = signed.ContentType.Parameters["protocol"];
                        if (ctx.Supports(protocol)){
                            if (signed[0] is TextPart && signed[1] is ApplicationPkcs7Signature) {
                                var extracted = (TextPart)signed[0];
                                var signatures = signed.Verify(ctx);
                                if (signatures != null && signatures.Count > 0) {
                                    foreach (var signature in signatures){
                                        bool valid = signature.Verify();
                                        if (!valid){
                                            isverify = false;
                                            return isverify;
                    else {
                        string signType = decrypted.ContentType.Parameters["smime-type"];                
                        if (signType == "signed-data"){    
                            //what can 1 do?
                            var signed = message.Body as ApplicationPkcs7Mime;



else {
    string signType = decrypted.ContentType.Parameters["smime-type"];                
    if (signType == "signed-data"){    
        //what can 1 do?
        var signed = message.Body as ApplicationPkcs7Mime;


else if (decrypted is ApplicationPkcs7Mime) {
    var signed = (ApplicationPkcs7Mime) decrypted;
    if (signed.SecureMimeType == SecureMimeType.SignedData) {
        // extract the original content and get a list of signatures
        MimeEntity original;
        // Note: if you are rendering the message, you'll want to render the
        // original mime part rather than the application/pkcs7-mime part.
        foreach (var signature in pkcs7.Verify (out original)) {
            try {
                bool valid = signature.Verify ();
                // If valid is true, then it signifies that the signed content
                // has not been modified since this particular signer signed the
                // content.
                // However, if it is false, then it indicates that the signed
                // content has been modified.
            } catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException) {
                // There was an error verifying the signature.

