如何在c#中使用PBKDF2 HMAC SHA-256或SHA-512使用盐和迭代散列密码

本文关键字:SHA-512 迭代 密码 HMAC PBKDF2 SHA-256 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:11:55





如何在c#中使用PBKDF2 HMAC SHA-256或SHA-512使用盐和迭代散列密码

PWDTK。. NET库(http://sourceforge.net/projects/pwdtknet/)似乎是我能找到的唯一实现PBKDF2 HMAC SHA-512,并允许盐和迭代。我无法找到PBKDF2 HMAC SHA-512的测试载体进行测试。




我的CryptSharp库可以使用任何任意HMAC执行PBKDF2。盐和迭代可以被控制。看看密码器。实用程序的名称空间。它与c# script实现和其他一些东西一起在那里。

这是由SecurityDriven提供的。. NET的Inferno库。


Inferno推荐SHA-384,因为它被NSA Suite B用于保护绝密信息,并且"它的截断设计可以有效防御长度扩展攻击"(1)。

using SecurityDriven.Inferno;
using SecurityDriven.Inferno.Extensions;
using static SecurityDriven.Inferno.SuiteB;
using static SecurityDriven.Inferno.Utils;
using PBKDF2 = SecurityDriven.Inferno.Kdf.PBKDF2;


var sha384Factory = HmacFactory;
var random = new CryptoRandom();
byte[] derivedKey
string hashedPassword = null;
string passwordText = "foo";
byte[] passwordBytes = SafeUTF8.GetBytes(passwordText);
var salt = random.NextBytes(384/8);
using (var pbkdf2 = new PBKDF2(sha384Factory, passwordBytes, salt, 256*1000))
    derivedKey=  pbkdf2.GetBytes(384/8);

using (var hmac = sha384Factory()) 
    hmac.Key = derivedKey;
    hashedPassword = hmac.ComputeHash(passwordBytes).ToBase16();



var user = GetUserByUserName("bob")
var sha384Factory = HmacFactory;
byte[] derivedKey
string hashedPassword = null;
string suppliedPassword = "foo";
byte[] passwordBytes = SafeUTF8.GetBytes(suppliedPassword);
using (var pbkdf2 = new PBKDF2(sha384Factory, passwordBytes, user.UserSalt, 256*1000))
    derivedKey=  pbkdf2.GetBytes(384/8);

using (var hmac = sha384Factory()) 
    hmac.Key = derivedKey;
    hashedPassword = hmac.ComputeHash(passwordBytes).ToBase16();
isAuthenticated = hashedPassword == user.UserHashedPassword; //true for bob



我在Google Code上的开源c#密码实用程序库目前做HMAC SHA1-160和HMAC SHA2-256,以及盐和迭代(PKDBF2)。密码和哈希生成的计时是内置在库中的,如附带的Windows Forms gui所示。



另一个实现-从我发现其他像RoadWarrior, Zer和thasiznets已经做到了。



它允许任意的伪随机函数,这意味着我们可以插入HMAC SHA256或HMAC SHA512 -或者比我更有密码学洞察力和勇气的人可以插入他们想要的任何东西-就像RFC允许的那样。它还使用long而不是int来进行迭代计数——只是为了那些疯狂的人。

/// <summary>
/// More generic version of the built-in Rfc2898DeriveBytes class. This one
/// allows an arbitrary Pseudo Random Function, meaning we can use e.g. 
/// HMAC SHA256 or HMAC SHA512 rather than the hardcoded HMAC SHA-1 of the 
/// built-in version.
/// </summary>
public class PBKDF2DeriveBytes : DeriveBytes
    // Initialization:
    private readonly IPseudoRandomFunction prf;
    private readonly byte[] salt;
    private readonly long iterationCount;
    private readonly byte[] saltAndBlockNumber;
    // State:
    // Last result of prf.Transform - also used as buffer
    // between GetBytes() calls:
    private byte[] buffer;
    private int bufferIndex;
    private int nextBlock;
    /// <param name="prf">
    ///    The Pseudo Random Function to use for calculating the derived key
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="salt">
    ///    The initial salt to use in calculating the derived key
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="iterationCount">
    ///    Number of iterations. RFC 2898 recommends a minimum of 1000
    ///    iterations (in the year 2000) ideally with number of iterations
    ///    adjusted on a regular basis (e.g. each year).
    /// </param>
    public PBKDF2DeriveBytes(
       IPseudoRandomFunction prf, byte[] salt, long iterationCount)
        if (prf == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("prf");
        if (salt == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("salt");
        this.prf = prf;
        this.salt = salt;
        this.iterationCount = iterationCount;
        // Prepare combined salt = concat(original salt, block number)
        saltAndBlockNumber = new byte[salt.Length + 4];
        Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, saltAndBlockNumber, 0, salt.Length);
    /// <summary>
    ///    Retrieves a derived key of the length specified.
    ///    Successive calls to GetBytes will return different results -
    ///    calling GetBytes(20) twice is equivalent to calling
    ///    GetBytes(40) once. Use Reset method to clear state.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="keyLength">
    ///    The number of bytes required. Note that for password hashing, a
    ///    key length greater than the output length of the underlying Pseudo
    ///    Random Function is redundant and does not increase security.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>The derived key</returns>
    public override byte[] GetBytes(int keyLength)
        var result = new byte[keyLength];
        int resultIndex = 0;
        // If we have bytes in buffer from previous run, use those first:
        if (buffer != null && bufferIndex > 0)
            int bufferRemaining = prf.HashSize - bufferIndex;
            // Take at most keyLength bytes from the buffer:
            int bytesFromBuffer = Math.Min(bufferRemaining, keyLength);
            if (bytesFromBuffer > 0)
                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, bufferIndex, result, 0,
                bufferIndex += bytesFromBuffer;
                resultIndex += bytesFromBuffer;
        // If, after filling from buffer, we need more bytes to fill
        // the result, they need to be computed:
        if (resultIndex < keyLength)
            ComputeBlocks(result, resultIndex);
            // If we used the entire buffer, reset index:
            if (bufferIndex == prf.HashSize)
                bufferIndex = 0;
        return result;
    /// <summary>
    ///    Resets state. The next call to GetBytes will return the same
    ///    result as an initial call to GetBytes.
    ///    Sealed since it's called from constructor.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed override void Reset()
        buffer = null;
        bufferIndex = 0;
        nextBlock = 1;
    private void ComputeBlocks(byte[] result, int resultIndex)
        int currentBlock = nextBlock;
        // Keep computing blocks until we've filled the result array:
        while (resultIndex < result.Length)
            // Run iterations for block:
            // Populate result array with the block, but only as many bytes
            // as are needed - keep the rest in buffer:
            int bytesFromBuffer = Math.Min(
                   result.Length - resultIndex
            Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, result, resultIndex, bytesFromBuffer);
            bufferIndex = bytesFromBuffer;
            resultIndex += bytesFromBuffer;
        nextBlock = currentBlock;
    private void F(int currentBlock)
        // First iteration:
        // Populate initial salt with the current block index:
           BlockNumberToBytes(currentBlock), 0, 
           saltAndBlockNumber, salt.Length, 4
        buffer = prf.Transform(saltAndBlockNumber);
        // Remaining iterations:
        byte[] result = buffer;
        for (long iteration = 2; iteration <= iterationCount; iteration++)
            // Note that the PRF transform takes the immediate result of the
            // last iteration, not the combined result (in buffer):
            result = prf.Transform(result);
            for (int byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < buffer.Length; byteIndex++)
                buffer[byteIndex] ^= result[byteIndex];
    private static byte[] BlockNumberToBytes(int blockNumber)
        byte[] result = BitConverter.GetBytes(blockNumber);
        // Make sure the result is big endian:
        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
        return result;


public interface IPseudoRandomFunction : IDisposable
    int HashSize { get; }
    byte[] Transform(byte[] input);

一个示例HMAC- sha512 IPseudoRandomFunction(为了简洁-我使用一个通用类,允许任何。net的HMAC类):

public class HMACSHA512PseudoRandomFunction : IPseudoRandomFunction
    private HMAC hmac;
    private bool disposed;
    public HmacPseudoRandomFunction(byte[] input)
        hmac = new HMACSHA512(input);
    public int HashSize
        // Might as well return a constant 64
        get { return hmac.HashSize / 8; }
    public byte[] Transform(byte[] input)
        return hmac.ComputeHash(input);
    public void Dispose()
        if (!disposed)
            hmac = null;
            disposed = true;


using (var prf = new HMACSHA512PseudoRandomFunction(input))
    using (var hash = new PBKDF2DeriveBytes(prf, salt, 1000))


using (var hash = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(input, salt, 1000))


  • 随机输入的HMAC-SHA1产生与微软实现相同的结果
  • HMAC-SHA1使用RFC 6070测试向量。
  • HMAC-SHA256使用来自https://stackoverflow.com/a/5136918/1169696的测试向量
  • 使用PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-512测试载体的HMAC-SHA512测试载体





最近的替代方案是Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation NuGet包,它允许使用PBKDF2与SHA-256和SHA-512散列函数,这比内置在Rfc2898DeriveBytes中的SHA-1更强。与其他答案中提到的第三方库相比,它的优势在于它是由Microsoft实现的,因此一旦您已经依赖于。net平台,就不需要对它执行安全审计。文档可在learn.microsoft.com获得