
本文关键字:方法 封装 泛型接口 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:12


// Client-side
interface IBox<T> where T : ITool
    IEnumerable<T> Tools { get; }
interface ITool
    void Use();
// Server-side
class Box : IBox<Tool>
    public List<Tool> ToolList = new List<Tool>();
    public IEnumerable<ITool> Tools
        get { return ToolList; }
class Tool : ITool
    string _msg = "default msg";
    public string Msg
        get { return _msg; }
        set { _msg = value; }
    public void Use()
        Console.WriteLine("Tool used! Msg: {0}", _msg);



interface IRoom<B, T>
    where B : IBox<T>
    where T : ITool
    IEnumerable<B> Boxes { get; }
class Room : IRoom<Box, Tool>
    public List<Box> BoxList = new List<Box>();
    public IEnumerable<Box> Boxes
        get { return BoxList; }

现在,想象我们有一个Room,它不仅由盒子组成。我需要至少3个完全不同的集合,这也是几种类型的集合。所以,肯定有一个巨大的树,我的根类变成了这样的:Room : IRoom<Box, Tool1, Tool2, Tool3, Wardrobe, Coat, Jeans, Hat, Table, Computer, Book, Pen>



从。net Framework 4和c# 4开始,你可以使用IEnumerable的协方差,只是避免使用泛型。

// Client-side
interface IBox
    IEnumerable<ITool> Tools { get; }
interface ITool
    void Use();
// Server-side
class Box : IBox
    public List<Tool> ToolList = new List<Tool>();
    public IEnumerable<ITool> Tools
        get { return ToolList; } // With .NET 3.5 and earlier cast here is neccessary to compile
        // Cast to interfaces shouldn't be so much of a performance penalty, I believe.
class Tool : ITool
    string _msg = "default msg";
    public string Msg
        get { return _msg; }
        set { _msg = value; }
    public void Use()
        Console.WriteLine("Tool used! Msg: {0}", _msg);

interface IRoom
    IEnumerable<IBox> Boxes { get; }
class Room : IRoom
    public List<Box> BoxList = new List<Box>();
    public IEnumerable<IBox> Boxes
        get { return BoxList; } // and here...
