使用反射遍历嵌套在Object中的Object List

本文关键字:Object 中的 List 嵌套 反射 遍历 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:22







public class Company {
public string name {get;set;}
public List<Asn> asns {get;set;}
public List<Contact> contacts {get;set;}
public class Asn {
// string/int/bool properties
public class Company {
// string/int/bool properties


    public static void SendEmail(Company cm)
                string _body = "";
                string _subject = "ASN Form Request";
                Type type = cm.GetType();
                Type type2 = cm.asns.GetType();
                Type type3 = cm.contacts.GetType();
                PropertyInfo[] companyProperties = type.GetProperties();
                PropertyInfo[] asnProperties = type2.GetProperties();
                PropertyInfo[] contactProperties = type3.GetProperties();
                foreach(PropertyInfo property in companyProperties)
                    if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string) || property.PropertyType == typeof(int) || property.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                    _body += property.Name + " = " + property.GetValue(cm, null) + Environment.NewLine;
                    if (property.PropertyType == typeof(List<>)) // not running through the model properties
                        foreach(PropertyInfo asnproperty in asnProperties)
                            _body += asnproperty.Name + " = " + asnproperty.GetValue(cm, null) + Environment.NewLine;
                    if(property.PropertyType == typeof(List<>)) // not running through the model properties
                        foreach(PropertyInfo contactproperty in contactProperties)
                            _body += contactproperty.Name + " = " + contactproperty.GetValue(cm, null) + Environment.NewLine;

使用反射遍历嵌套在Object中的Object List


public static void SendEmail(Company cm)
  string _body = "";
  string _subject = "ASN Form Request";
  _body = ReflectObject(cm, _body)
public static string ReflectObject(object obj, string body)
  var type = obj.GetType();
  var properties = type.GetProperties();
  foreach(PropertyInfo property in properties)
    if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string) || property.PropertyType == typeof(int) || property.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
      body += property.Name + " = " + property.GetValue(cm, null) + Environment.NewLine;
    if (property.PropertyType == typeof(List<>))
      var list = property.GetValue(obj, null)
      foreach(var item in list)
        ReflectObject(item, body);
  return body;