获取“访问被拒绝”;同时在c#中使用SugarCRM SOAP API中的查询

本文关键字:SugarCRM SOAP 查询 API 访问 拒绝 访问被拒绝 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:39

我在c#中使用SugarCRM的SOAP API客户端。我在我的windows应用程序中添加了SugarCRM的Web Reference。我需要得到特定时间戳之前创建的线索列表。为此,我的做法如下:

                //Fields to retrieve
                string[] Lead_fields = new string[] { "id", "name", "phone_home", "phone_mobile", "phone_work", "phone_other", "phone_fax", "deleted" ,"gclid_c"};
                LastSyncDateTime = ReadLastSyncDateTime();
                DateTime dtTemp = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToUniversalTime(Convert.ToDateTime(LastSyncDateTime));
                string sDate = String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", dtTemp);
                string L_date_created = sDate; //LastSyncDateTime;
                string Leads_query = "(Leads.date_modified  <= " + L_date_created + ") AND Leads.deleted = 0";
                //As on 2014.11.07 (getting exception : Access Denied)
                SugarCRM.get_entry_list_result_version2 Leads_result = SugarClient.get_entry_list(SessionId, "Leads", Leads_query, "", 0, Lead_fields, null, 30, 0, true);
                if (Leads_result.entry_list.Count() > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Leads_result.entry_list.Count(); i++)
                        MyLeads newLead = new MyLeads();
                        newLead.LeadId = Leads_result.entry_list[i].name_value_list[0].value;
            catch (Exception ex) 
                LogMessageToFile("ERROR : " + ex.Message.ToString());


获取“访问被拒绝”;同时在c#中使用SugarCRM SOAP API中的查询


string Leads_query = "(Leads.date_entered  <= '" + L_date_created + "') AND Leads.deleted = 0";

和whoaaa !这是工作. .