日志含义ITravelLogStg::TravelTo failed with error 0x80004002

本文关键字:with error 0x80004002 failed TravelTo ITravelLogStg 日志 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:12:50


    public static ITravelLogEntry GetTravelLogEntry(WebBrowser webBrowser)
        int HRESULT_OK = 0;
        SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2 axWebBrowser = (SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2)webBrowser.ActiveXInstance;
        IServiceProvider psp = axWebBrowser as IServiceProvider;
        if (psp == null) throw new Exception("Could not get IServiceProvider.");
        IntPtr oret = IntPtr.Zero;            
        int hr = psp.QueryService(ref SID_STravelLogCursor, ref IID_ITravelLogStg, out oret);            
        if ((oret == IntPtr.Zero) || (hr != HRESULT_OK)) throw new Exception("Failed to query service.");
        ITravelLogStg tlstg = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(oret) as ITravelLogStg;
        if (null == tlstg) throw new Exception("Failed to get ITravelLogStg");            
        ITravelLogEntry ptle = null;
        hr = tlstg.GetRelativeEntry(0, out ptle);
        if (hr != HRESULT_OK) MessageBox.Show("Failed to get travel log entry with error " + hr.ToString("X"));
        return ptle;
    public static void TravelToTravelLogEntry(WebBrowser webBrowser, ITravelLogEntry travelLogEntry)
        int HRESULT_OK = 0;
        SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2 axWebBrowser = (SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2)webBrowser.ActiveXInstance;
        IServiceProvider psp = axWebBrowser as IServiceProvider;
        if (psp == null) throw new Exception("Could not get IServiceProvider.");
        IntPtr oret = IntPtr.Zero;
        int hr = psp.QueryService(ref SID_STravelLogCursor, ref IID_ITravelLogStg, out oret);
        if ((oret == IntPtr.Zero) || (hr != HRESULT_OK)) throw new Exception("Failed to query service.");
        ITravelLogStg tlstg = Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(oret) as ITravelLogStg;
        if (null == tlstg) throw new Exception("Failed to get ITravelLogStg");            
        hr = tlstg.TravelTo(travelLogEntry);
        if (hr != HRESULT_OK) MessageBox.Show("Failed to travel to log entry with error " + hr.ToString("X"));

这里的WebBrowser是一个。net WebBrowser控件。当在TravelToTravelLogEntry方法中调用ITravelLogStg::TravelTo时,我得到一个0x80004002,根据此页,这是一个Interface not supported错误。我做错了什么吗?

日志含义ITravelLogStg::TravelTo failed with error 0x80004002





尝试修改hr = tlstg.GetRelativeEntry(0, out ptle); -第一个参数指定您想要导航的方向。使用0以外的其他值也可以,例如,您可以使用-1来向后移动一个条目。
