
本文关键字:参数 结构 导入 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:22


public unsafe struct smat
    public long rows;
    public long cols;
    public long vals;     
    public long* pointr;  
    public long* rowind;  
    public double* value; 
public unsafe struct dmat {
    long rows;
    long cols;
    double **value;
public unsafe struct svdrec {
    int d;      
    dmat Ut;    // it was dmat* in C++
    double *S;  
    dmat Vt;    // it was dmat* in C++
[DllImport(@"file.dll", EntryPoint = "svdNewSMat", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern smat svdNewSMat(int rows, int cols, int vals); // it was smat* in C++
[DllImport(@"file.dll", EntryPoint = "svdLAS2", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
    public static extern svdrec svdLAS2(smat a, long dimensions, long iterations, double[] las2end, double kappa); // it was smat* and svdrec* in C++


typedef struct smat *SMat;
typedef struct dmat *DMat;
typedef struct svdrec *SVDRec;
/* Harwell-Boeing sparse matrix. */
struct smat {
  long rows;
  long cols;
  long vals;     /* Total non-zero entries. */
  long *pointr;  /* For each col (plus 1), index of first non-zero entry. */
  long *rowind;  /* For each nz entry, the row index. */
  double *value; /* For each nz entry, the value. */
/* Row-major dense matrix.  Rows are consecutive vectors. */
struct dmat {
  long rows;
  long cols;
  double **value; /* Accessed by [row][col]. Free value[0] and value to free.*/
struct svdrec {
  int d;      /* Dimensionality (rank) */
  DMat Ut;    /* Transpose of left singular vectors. (d by m)
             The vectors are the rows of Ut. */
  double *S;  /* Array of singular values. (length d) */
  DMat Vt;    /* Transpose of right singular vectors. (d by n)
             The vectors are the rows of Vt. */
extern DMat svdNewDMat(int rows, int cols);
extern SVDRec svdLAS2(SMat A, long dimensions, long iterations, double end[2], 
                  double kappa);


var a = svdNewSMat(3, 6, 3);
var m = new double[] {1, 2};
var r = svdLAS2(a, 1, 0, m, 1e-6); // I get the Exception here





如果是smart *和dmat*,则使用IntPtr代替smad/dmat



在函数声明中,等价于指针到指针的pinvoke通常是ref IntPtr。在结构声明中(正如其他人指出的),它应该只是IntPtr。请记住,在函数调用中,事情往往比让你的结构声明正确更复杂(例如,调用约定可能需要修改)。