
本文关键字:包括 时间跨度 datetime 字段 计算 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:30


    DateTime myDate3test = Convert.ToDateTime("1958-10-17 13:45:59.473");
    Console.WriteLine(CalculateAge(myDate3test)); //this should return 57 if run today October 18, 2016 since the person is not yet 58

    public static string CalculateAge(DateTime dtDateOfBirth)
        int age = 0;
        DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
        string measurement = string.Empty;
        if (DateTime.Compare(dtNow, dtDateOfBirth) == 1)
            TimeSpan tsAge = dtNow.Subtract(dtDateOfBirth);
            DateTime dtAge = new DateTime(tsAge.Ticks);

            var vNowDate = Convert.ToInt32(dtNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            var vBirthdate = Convert.ToInt32(dtDateOfBirth.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            double diff = (vNowDate - vBirthdate) / 10000;
            age = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Truncate(diff));
            measurement = " year";
            if (age == 0) // patient is not 1 year old yet
                age = dtAge.Month - 1;
                measurement = " month";
                if (age == 0) // patient is not 1 month old yet
                    age = dtAge.Day - 1;
                    measurement = " day";
            if (age > 1)
                measurement += "s";
            // Future date!!!
            measurement = " Unable to calculate age";
            age = -1;
        return age.ToString() + measurement;


您的输入是1958年10月17日所以58年的答案是正确的。http://www.calculator.net/age-calculator.html?today=10%2F17%2F1958& ageat = 10% 2 f18 % 2 f2016& x = 74, y = 7