流利的API -一二多关系

本文关键字:关系 API | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:13:52

在Address for Employee中可以有多个条目,Employee的Guid将在Guid Field of Address中。

你能帮我如何使用Fluent api配置b/w Employee-Address和Company-Address的关系吗

public class Employee
    public int EmployeeId;
    public Guid Guid;
    public ICollection<Address> Addresses;
public class Company
    public int CompanyId;
    public Guid Guid;
    public ICollection<Address> Addresses;
public class Address
    public int AddressId
    public Guid Guid; // Guid from Employee or Company
    . // Should here be Navigation to Employee/Company as well?


流利的API -一二多关系


Emplyee 1:N Adress
Company 1:N Adress


public class Employee
    public int EmployeeId { get; set; };
    // ...
    public virutal ICollection<Address> Addresses { get; set; };
public class Company
    public int CompanyId { get; set; };
    // ...
    public ICollection<Address> Addresses { get; set; };
public class Address
    public int AddressId { get; set; };
    public int? EmployeeId { get; set; };
    public int? CompanyId { get; set; };
    // ...
    public virtual Employee Employee { get; set; };
    public virtual Company Company { get; set; };


public class Employee
    //no need of following line. just use the GUID as Employee id
    //public int EmployeeId;  
    public Guid EmployeeId;
    public ICollection<Address> Addresses;
public class Company
    public int CompanyId;//no need of this line, use guid as company id
    public Guid CompanyId;
    public ICollection<Address> Addresses;
public class Address
    public int AddressId
    public Guid OwnerId; // Guid from Employee or Company
    //don't add Navigation to Employee/Company


那么在fluent API中,按照slauma在这里的建议去做。

.HasMany(c => c.Addresses)
.HasForeignKey(a => a.OwnerId);
.HasMany(c => c.Addresses)
.HasForeignKey(a => a.OwnerId);