本文关键字:访问 基类 属性 派生 泛型 列表 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:14:09
public BaseClass1
public Property A{get;set;}
public Property B{get;set;}
public BaseClass2:BaseClass1
public Property C{get;set;}
public Property D{get;set;}
public classA:BaseClass2
public class Implement
List<classA> list1 = new List<classA>()
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to add another person");//If yes I would like add person to the list dynamically
//Is it possible to acesses properties of Baseclass using derived class List
List1.Property A = Console.readline();//read input from console
List1.Property B = Console.readline();//read input from console
List.Property D = Console.readline();//read input from console
List1.add(Property A,Property B);//add properties of baseclass1 and baseclass2 as well as derived class
List1.Add( new ClassA { A = a, B = b, C = c } );