
本文关键字:文件 一个 跟踪 详细信息 应用程序 我的 添加 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:14:19


The Generic Account class is below.
public class Account<T>: Person where T:class
    private static List<Account<T>> _accounts;
    private double _AccountBalance;
    private string _AccountName;
    private long _AccountNumber;

            public Account(string Name, long accountnumber, double initialBalance)
        AccountBalance = initialBalance;
        AccountName = Name;
        AccountNumber = accountnumber;
    public double AccountBalance
        get { return _AccountBalance; }
        set { _AccountBalance = value; }
    public string AccountName
        get { return _AccountName; }
        set { _AccountName = value; }
    public long AccountNumber
        get { return _AccountNumber; }
        set { _AccountNumber = value; }
    public static List<Account<T>> Accounts
        get { return _accounts; }
        set { _accounts = value; }
    public static List<Account<T>> saveAccount(Account<T> a)
        return Accounts;
   public virtual string getBalance(long Accountnumber)
       return string.Format("{0:C}", AccountBalance);  //currency format

          public virtual double makeDeposit(long Accountnumber, double amount)
       AccountBalance = AccountBalance + amount;
       return AccountBalance;
   public virtual double makeWithdrawal(long Accountnumber, double amount)
       AccountBalance = AccountBalance - amount;
       return AccountBalance;
   public static StringBuilder AccountInfo(Account<T> a)
       StringBuilder customerAccountInfo = new StringBuilder();
       customerAccountInfo.Append("'nAccount Name: " + a.AccountName);
       customerAccountInfo.Append("'nAccount Number: " + a.AccountNumber);   
       customerAccountInfo.Append("'nType of Account: " + typeof(T));      
       customerAccountInfo.Append("'nPresent account balance: " + a.getBalance(a.AccountNumber)); 
       return customerAccountInfo;

public class Current : Account<Current>
    public Current(string accountName, long accountNumber, double accountBalance)
        : base(accountName, accountNumber, accountBalance)
    public static double overdraftWithdraw(Account<Current> a, long Accountnumber, double amount)
                    a.AccountBalance = a.AccountBalance - amount;    
        return a.AccountBalance;


public class Savings: Account<Savings>
    public Savings(string accountName, long accountNumber, double accountBalance)
        : base(accountName, accountNumber, accountBalance) { }

            public static double InterestOnAccount(Account<Savings> a,long accountnumber) 
                     a.AccountBalance = a.AccountBalance + (BankPolicy<Savings>.interest_rate * a.AccountBalance);
         return a.AccountBalance;



public class BankPolicy<T> where T:class
    private static double MinimumAccBalance;
    private static double InterestRate;
    public static double minimumBalance
        get { return MinimumAccBalance; }
        set { MinimumAccBalance = value; }
    public static double interest_rate 
        get { return InterestRate; }
        set { InterestRate = value; }




private static List<Account<T>> _accounts;
public static List<Account<T>> Accounts
            get { return _accounts; }
            set { _accounts = value; }
public static List<Account<T>> saveAccount(Account<T> a)
            return Accounts;



如何使用Visual c#读取和写入文本文件如何在c#中读取和写入文件-堆栈溢出最简单的读取和写入文件的方法-堆栈溢出c#使用StreamWriter - Dot Net perl


Cba遍历您的代码,但如果您将"using System.IO;"放在顶部,下面的位将工作。

private void Save(string file, string text)


Person person; //example of an instance of "Person" class.
string text = person.PersonName+" : "+person.Gender;//etc
string filename = "C:/examplefilename.txt";
Save(filename, text);
