
本文关键字:金钱 数据类型 十进制 为什么 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:52:33


tl;dr2: 请阅读问题的其余部分,然后用floatdouble举例:-(



的确,将两个doublea == b进行比较是不明智的。但你可以很容易地说出a - b <= EPSILON或类似的话。



struct Cur
  private const double EPS = 0.00005;
  private double val;
  Cur(double val) { this.val = Math.Round(val, 4); }
  static Cur operator +(Cur a, Cur b) { return new Cur(a.val + b.val); }
  static Cur operator -(Cur a, Cur b) { return new Cur(a.val - b.val); }
  static Cur operator *(Cur a, double factor) { return new Cur(a.val * factor); }
  static Cur operator *(double factor, Cur a) { return new Cur(a.val * factor); }
  static Cur operator /(Cur a, double factor) { return new Cur(a.val / factor); }
  static explicit operator double(Cur c) { return Math.Round(c.val, 4); }
  static implicit operator Cur(double d) { return new Cur(d); }
  static bool operator <(Cur a, Cur b) { return (a.val - b.val) < -EPS; }
  static bool operator >(Cur a, Cur b) { return (a.val - b.val) > +EPS; }
  static bool operator <=(Cur a, Cur b) { return (a.val - b.val) <= +EPS; }
  static bool operator >=(Cur a, Cur b) { return (a.val - b.val) >= -EPS; }
  static bool operator !=(Cur a, Cur b) { return Math.Abs(a.val - b.val) < EPS; }
  static bool operator ==(Cur a, Cur b) { return Math.Abs(a.val - b.val) > EPS; }
  bool Equals(Cur other) { return this == other; }
  override int GetHashCode() { return ((double)this).GetHashCode(); }
  override bool Equals(object o) { return o is Cur && this.Equals((Cur)o); }
  override string ToString() { return this.val.ToString("C4"); }



Currency a = 2.50;
Console.WriteLine(a * 2);







using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace BadFloat
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Currency yourMoneyAccumulator = 0.0d;
            int count = 200000;
            double increment = 20000.01d; //1 cent
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                yourMoneyAccumulator += increment;
            Console.WriteLine(yourMoneyAccumulator + " accumulated vs. " + increment * count + " expected");
    struct Currency
        private const double EPSILON = 0.00005;
        public Currency(double value) { this.value = value; }
        private double value;
        public static Currency operator +(Currency a, Currency b) { return new Currency(a.value + b.value); }
        public static Currency operator -(Currency a, Currency b) { return new Currency(a.value - b.value); }
        public static Currency operator *(Currency a, double factor) { return new Currency(a.value * factor); }
        public static Currency operator *(double factor, Currency a) { return new Currency(a.value * factor); }
        public static Currency operator /(Currency a, double factor) { return new Currency(a.value / factor); }
        public static Currency operator /(double factor, Currency a) { return new Currency(a.value / factor); }
        public static explicit operator double(Currency c) { return System.Math.Round(c.value, 4); }
        public static implicit operator Currency(double d) { return new Currency(d); }
        public static bool operator <(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) < -EPSILON; }
        public static bool operator >(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) > +EPSILON; }
        public static bool operator <=(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) <= +EPSILON; }
        public static bool operator >=(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) >= -EPSILON; }
        public static bool operator !=(Currency a, Currency b) { return Math.Abs(a.value - b.value) <= EPSILON; }
        public static bool operator ==(Currency a, Currency b) { return Math.Abs(a.value - b.value) > EPSILON; }
        public bool Equals(Currency other) { return this == other; }
        public override int GetHashCode() { return ((double)this).GetHashCode(); }
        public override bool Equals(object other) { return other is Currency && this.Equals((Currency)other); }
        public override string ToString() { return this.value.ToString("C4"); }


通常货币计算需要精确的结果,而不仅仅是精确的结果。CCD_ 14和CCD_。例如,0.1不能用浮点变量表示。将存储的是最接近的可表示值,可以是一个数字,例如0.0999999999999999996。通过对结构进行单元测试来自己尝试一下——例如,尝试2.00 - 1.10

我不知道你为什么对J Trana的回答不屑一顾。你为什么不自己试试?同样的例子也适用于您的结构。您只需要添加几个额外的迭代,因为您使用的是double而不是float,这会给您带来更高的精度。只是拖延了问题,并没有解决它。


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Currency currencyAccumulator = new Currency(0.00);
        double doubleAccumulator = 0.00f;
        float floatAccumulator = 0.01f;
        Currency currencyIncrement = new Currency(0.01);
        double doubleIncrement = 0.01;
        float floatIncrement = 0.01f;
        for(int i=0; i<100000000; ++i)
            currencyAccumulator += currencyIncrement;
            doubleAccumulator += doubleIncrement;
            floatAccumulator += floatIncrement;
        Console.WriteLine("Currency: {0}", currencyAccumulator);
        Console.WriteLine("Double: {0}", doubleAccumulator);
        Console.WriteLine("Float: {0}", floatAccumulator);
struct Currency
    private const double EPSILON = 0.00005;
    public Currency(double value) { this.value = value; }
    private double value;
    public static Currency operator +(Currency a, Currency b) { return new Currency(a.value + b.value); }
    public static Currency operator -(Currency a, Currency b) { return new Currency(a.value - b.value); }
    public static Currency operator *(Currency a, double factor) { return new Currency(a.value * factor); }
    public static Currency operator *(double factor, Currency a) { return new Currency(a.value * factor); }
    public static Currency operator /(Currency a, double factor) { return new Currency(a.value / factor); }
    public static Currency operator /(double factor, Currency a) { return new Currency(a.value / factor); }
    public static explicit operator double(Currency c) { return System.Math.Round(c.value, 4); }
    public static implicit operator Currency(double d) { return new Currency(d); }
    public static bool operator <(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) < -EPSILON; }
    public static bool operator >(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) > +EPSILON; }
    public static bool operator <=(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) <= +EPSILON; }
    public static bool operator >=(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.value - b.value) >= -EPSILON; }
    public static bool operator !=(Currency a, Currency b) { return Math.Abs(a.value - b.value) <= EPSILON; }
    public static bool operator ==(Currency a, Currency b) { return Math.Abs(a.value - b.value) > EPSILON; }
    public bool Equals(Currency other) { return this == other; }
    public override int GetHashCode() { return ((double)this).GetHashCode(); }
    public override bool Equals(object other) { return other is Currency && this.Equals((Currency)other); }
    public override string ToString() { return this.value.ToString("C4"); }


Currency: $1,000,000.0008
Double: 1000000.00077928
Float: 262144



    static void Main(string[] args)
        Currency c = 1.00;
        c /= 100000;
        c *= 100000;
struct Currency
    private const double EPS = 0.00005;
    private double val;
    public Currency(double val) { this.val = Math.Round(val, 4); }
    public static Currency operator +(Currency a, Currency b) { return new Currency(a.val + b.val); }
    public static Currency operator -(Currency a, Currency b) { return new Currency(a.val - b.val); }
    public static Currency operator *(Currency a, double factor) { return new Currency(a.val * factor); }
    public static Currency operator *(double factor, Currency a) { return new Currency(a.val * factor); }
    public static Currency operator /(Currency a, double factor) { return new Currency(a.val / factor); }
    public static Currency operator /(double factor, Currency a) { return new Currency(a.val / factor); }
    public static explicit operator double(Currency c) { return Math.Round(c.val, 4); }
    public static implicit operator Currency(double d) { return new Currency(d); }
    public static bool operator <(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.val - b.val) < -EPS; }
    public static bool operator >(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.val - b.val) > +EPS; }
    public static bool operator <=(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.val - b.val) <= +EPS; }
    public static bool operator >=(Currency a, Currency b) { return (a.val - b.val) >= -EPS; }
    public static bool operator !=(Currency a, Currency b) { return Math.Abs(a.val - b.val) < EPS; }
    public static bool operator ==(Currency a, Currency b) { return Math.Abs(a.val - b.val) > EPS; }
    public bool Equals(Currency other) { return this == other; }
    public override int GetHashCode() { return ((double)this).GetHashCode(); }
    public override bool Equals(object o) { return o is Currency && this.Equals((Currency)o); }
    public override string ToString() { return this.val.ToString("C4"); }




import java.text.*;
public class CantAdd {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      float a = 8250325.12f;
      float b = 4321456.31f;
      float c = a + b;



Cur c = 0.00015;
// rounds to 0.0001 instead of the expected 0.0002
