试图在vs2010 c#表单中查看MS PowerPoint 2010文件

本文关键字:MS PowerPoint 2010文件 表单 vs2010 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:16:08


        PowerPoint.Application oPPT;
    PowerPoint.Presentations objPresSet;
    const string strPres = @"E:'C#'Ch 16'PP Stuff'TestTextBox'TextBoxTestWithArrays'TextBoxTestWithArrays'Ad Analysis.pptx";
    const string myPath = @"E:'C#'Ch 16'PP Stuff'TestTextBox'TextBoxTestWithArrays'TextBoxTestWithArrays'";
        oPPT = new PowerPoint.Application();
        oPPT.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue;
        objPresSet = oPPT.Presentations;
        objPresSet.Open(strPres, MsoTriState.msoFalse, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue);
     * This crashes, and I'm clueless as to why it wouldn't work. I wanted it here
     * to check the # of msg boxes that opened against the # of slides in the ppt.
        foreach (PowerPoint.Slides mySlides in objPresSet)
            MessageBox.Show("{0}", mySlides.ToString());

试图在vs2010 c#表单中查看MS PowerPoint 2010文件
