C# 在随机位置仅更改数组的一部分

本文关键字:数组 一部分 随机 位置 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:16:10

我在控制台 c# 代码(7X3 'cell'(中有一个 int 的 2D 数组。我创建它的那一刻,它被初始化为零。


更改为 1,而不更改其他"单元格"的值。我知道这是一件基本的事情,但是,作为 C# 的绝对菜鸟,无论我使用什么单元格,我都无法让它工作。你可以帮我吗?




C# 在随机位置仅更改数组的一部分

这里有两种解决此问题的方法,第一种; 调用BruteForceRandomImplementation很容易实现和理解,但是一旦您尝试用 1 标记大量位置,就会非常慢,因为它是蛮力,例如使用 Random 直到它填满足够的位置。

    /// <summary>
    /// This method uses a random based algorithm to create a two-dimensional array of [height, width] 
    /// with exactly locationsToFind locations set to 1. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="height"></param>
    /// <param name="width"></param>
    /// <param name="locationsToFind"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int[,] BruteForceRandomImplementation(int height, int width, int locationsToFind)
        var random = new Random();
        locationsToFind = LimitLocationsToFindToMaxLocations(height, width, locationsToFind);
        // Create our two-dimensional array.
        var map = new int[height, width];
        int locationsFound = 0;
        // Randomly set positons to 1 untill we have set locationsToFind locations to 1. 
        while (locationsFound < locationsToFind)
            // Get a random Y location - limit the max value to our height - 1. 
            var randomY = random.Next(height);
            // Get a random X location - limit the max value to our width - 1. 
            var randomX = random.Next(width);
            // Find another random location if this location is already set to 1. 
            if (map[randomY, randomX] == 1)
            // Otherwise set our location to 1 and increment the number of locations we've found.
            map[randomY, randomX] = 1;
            locationsFound += 1;
        return map;


    /// <summary>
    /// Limits the locationsToFind variable to the maximum available locations. This avoids attempting to 
    /// mark more locations than are available for our width and height. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="height"></param>
    /// <param name="width"></param>
    /// <param name="locationsToFind"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int LimitLocationsToFindToMaxLocations(int height, int width, int locationsToFind)
        return Math.Min(locationsToFind, height * width);

我的第二个实现称为 ShuffleImplementation 在标记大量唯一位置时要快得多。它创建一个一维数组,用足够的 1 填充它以满足您的需求,然后使用 Fisher-Yates shuffle 洗牌这个数组,最后继续将这个一维数组扩展到二维数组:

    /// <summary>
    /// This method uses a shuffle based algorithm to create a two-dimensional array of [height, width] 
    /// with exactly locationsToFind locations set to 1. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="height"></param>
    /// <param name="width"></param>
    /// <param name="locationsToFind"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public int[,] ShuffleImplementation(int height, int width, int locationsToFind)
        locationsToFind = LimitLocationsToFindToMaxLocations(height, width, locationsToFind);
        // Create a 1 dimensional array large enough to contain all our values. 
        var array = new int[height * width];
        // Set locationToFind locations to 1. 
        for (int location = 0; location < locationsToFind; location++)
            array[location] = 1;
        // Shuffle our array.
        // Now let's create our two-dimensional array.
        var map = new int[height, width];
        int index = 0;
        // Expand our one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional one. 
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                map[y, x] = array[index];
        return map;
    /// <summary>
    /// Shuffles a one-dimensional array using the Fisher-Yates shuffle. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="arr"></param>
    public static void Shuffle<T>(T[] array)
        var random = new Random();
        for (int i = array.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
            int n = random.Next(i + 1);
            Swap(ref array[i], ref array[n]);
    /// <summary>
    /// Swaps two values around. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="valueA"></param>
    /// <param name="valueB"></param>
    public static void Swap<T>(ref T valueA, ref T valueB)
        T tempValue = valueA;
        valueA = valueB;
        valueB = tempValue;


var map = BruteForceRandomImplementation(7, 3, 5);


var map = ShuffleImplementation(7, 3, 5);


        int width = 1000;
        int height = 1000;
        int locationsToFind = (width * height) - 1;
        var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
        BruteForceRandomImplementation(height, width, locationsToFind);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("BruteForceRandomImplementation took {0}ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
        ShuffleImplementation(height, width, locationsToFind);
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ShuffleImplementation took {0}ms", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));



int[,] cells = new int[7,3];

然后将所有值初始化为 0。


cells[3,2] = 1;



int[][] cells = new int[7][3];


cells[3][2] = 1;
var array = new int[7,3];
array[5,2] = 1;
array[3,2] = 1;

请记住,数组索引从零开始,因此 int[7,3] 的有效范围为 [0..6,0..2]

int[,] cells = new int[7,3]; 
cells[3,2] = 1;