
本文关键字:成员 转换 实例 为什么 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:16:28




using System;
namespace Test
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Descendant d = new Descendant();
            d.Attributes.ToString(); // Everything fine here
            Ancestor a = (Ancestor)d;
            a.Attributes.ToString(); // NullPointerException
    class Ancestor
        public interface IAttributes { }
        public IAttributes Attributes;
    class Descendant : Ancestor
        public new DescendantAttributes Attributes;
        public Descendant()
            this.Attributes = new DescendantAttributes();
        public class DescendantAttributes : IAttributes
            public string Name = "";

错误信息:System。在Test.Program中未处理NullReferenceException。Main(String[] args) in D:'Code'c#'Test'Program.cs:line 12


环境:64位Windows 2008 R2, Visual Studio 2010




public new DescendantAttributes Attributes;


When used as a modifier, the new keyword explicitly hides a member that's inherited from a
base class. When you hide an inherited member, the derived version of the member replaces the
base-class version. You can hide members without using the new modifier, but the result is a
warning. If you use new to explicitly hide a member, the modifier suppresses this warning and
documents the fact that the derived version is intended as a replacement.


  • new operator:用于在堆上创建对象并调用构造函数。
  • new修饰符:用于隐藏基类成员的继承成员。
  • new constraint:用于限制可能用作泛型声明中类型形参参数的类型。


new modifier用于显式隐藏从基类继承的成员。在您的代码中,您正在跟踪Attributes,它在该层次结构级别提供了不同的实现。正如Dirk所说,你正在创建一个新的不相关的属性

class Ancestor
        public interface IAttributes { }
        public IAttributes Attributes;
    class Descendant : Ancestor
        public new DescendantAttributes Attributes;  //Shadowing using new modifier
        public Descendant()
            this.Attributes = new DescendantAttributes();
        public class DescendantAttributes : IAttributes
            public string Name = "";

您需要的不是shadowing,而是overriding -

class Ancestor
    public interface IAttributes { }
    public virtual IAttributes Attributes { get; set; } // Make this virtual
class Descendant : Ancestor
    // Override here OR instead you can omit the declaration at all.
    public override IAttributes Attributes { get; set; }
    public Descendant()
        this.Attributes = new DescendantAttributes();
    public class DescendantAttributes : IAttributes
        public string Name = "";

From this post -
