
本文关键字:vb net 转换 代码 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:16:48


string StrInputParam = "TYPE:5#MOBILE:" + Mobile + "#PASS:" + Password + "";
string StrSPName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SP_RED_USER_DETAILS"];
string[] ArrayVal = StrInputParam.Split('#');
StrSPName = Regex.Replace(StrSPName, @"'[(.+?)']", m =>
    string StrParamName = m.Groups[1].Value;
    string StrParamValue = ArrayVal.Select(s => s.Split(new[] { ':' }, 2))
                                .Where(p => p.Length == 2)
                                .Where(p => p[0] == StrParamName)
                                .Select(p => p[1])
    return StrParamValue ?? "0"; // "0" instead of m.Value



` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `MatchEvaluator, count As Integer) As String': 'String'类型的值不能转换为' system . text . regulareexpressions .MatchEvaluator'.

` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `MatchEvaluator, count As Integer) As String': Lambda表达式不能转换为'Integer',因为'Integer'不是委托类型.......



Dim StrInputParam As String = "TYPE:5#MOBILE:" & Mobile & "#PASS:" & Password & ""
Dim StrSPName As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SP_RED_USER_DETAILS")
Dim ArrayVal As String() = StrInputParam.Split("#"C)
StrSPName = Regex.Replace(StrSPName, "'[(.+?)']", Function(m) 
Dim StrParamName As String = m.Groups(1).Value
Dim StrParamValue As String = ArrayVal.[Select](Function(s) s.Split(New () {":"C}, 2)).Where(Function(p) p.Length = 2).Where(Function(p) p(0) = StrParamName).[Select](Function(p) p(1)).FirstOrDefault()
    ' "0" instead of m.Value
Return If(StrParamValue, "0")
End Function)


Dim StrInputParam As String = "TYPE:5#MOBILE:" + Mobile + "#PASS:" + Password + ""
Dim StrSPName As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SP_RED_USER_DETAILS")
Dim ArrayVal As String() = StrInputParam.Split("#"C)
StrSPName = Regex.Replace(StrSPName, "'[(.+?)']", Function(m) 
 Dim StrParamName As String = m.Groups(1).Value
 Dim StrParamValue As String = ArrayVal.Select(Function(s) s.Split(New () {":"C}, 2))
                                       .Where(Function(p) p.Length = 2)
                                       .Where(Function(p) p(0) = StrParamName)
                                       .Select(Function(p) (1))
 Return If(StrParamValue, "0")   
End Function)


Dim StrInputParam As String =  "TYPE:5#MOBILE:" + Mobile + "#PASS:" + Password + "" 
Dim StrSPName As String =  ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SP_RED_USER_DETAILS") 
Dim ArrayVal() As String =  StrInputParam.Split("#"c) 
StrSPName = Regex.Replace(StrSPName, "'[(.+?)']", m =>
    Dim StrParamName As String =  m.Groups(1).Value 
    Dim StrParamValue As String =  ArrayVal.Select(s  = > s.Split(New()
, 2))
                                .Where(p => p.Length = 2)
                                .Where(p => p(0) = StrParamName)
                                .Select(p => p(1))
    Return StrParamValue ?? "0"


Dim StrInputParam As String = "TYPE:5#MOBILE:" & Mobile & "#PASS:" & Password & ""
Dim StrSPName As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SP_RED_USER_DETAILS")
Dim ArrayVal() As String = StrInputParam.Split("#"c)
StrSPName = Regex.Replace(StrSPName, "'[(.+?)']", Function(m) ' "0" instead of m.Value
      Dim StrParamName As String = m.Groups(1).Value
      Dim StrParamValue As String = ArrayVal.Select(Function(s) s.Split( { ":"c }, 2)).Where(Function(p) p.Length = 2).Where(Function(p) p(0) = StrParamName).Select(Function(p) p(1)).FirstOrDefault()
      Return If(StrParamValue, "0")
End Function)