C# and WUAPI: BeginDownload function

本文关键字:BeginDownload function WUAPI and | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:17:06



UpdateCollection CurrentInstallCollection = (UpdateCollection)e.Argument;
UpdateDownloader CurrentDownloader = CurrentSession.CreateUpdateDownloader();
CurrentDownloader.Updates = CurrentInstallCollection;



IDownloadJob CurrentDownloadJob = CurrentDownloader.BeginDownload();


UpdateCollection CurrentInstallCollection = (UpdateCollection)e.Argument;
UpdateDownloader CurrentDownloader = CurrentSession.CreateUpdateDownloader();
CurrentDownloader.Updates = CurrentInstallCollection;
IDownloadJob CurrentDownloadJob = CurrentDownloader.BeginDownload();
IDownloadProgress CurrentJobProgess = CurrentDownloadJob.GetProgress();
tbStatus.Text = Convert.ToString(CurrentJobProgess.PercentComplete);

我在互联网上找到了一个用.BeginDownload(this, this, this)调用该方法的源,它不会在代码编辑器中报告任何错误,但可能无助于报告,因为据我所知,提供的参数是在所描述的事件发生时调用的方法(进度已更改或下载已完成(。








C# and WUAPI: BeginDownload function

Windows Update API(WU API Lib(WUApiLib((在我看来没有得到很好的记录。异步";开始";搜索、下载和安装的所有任务如下所示。它很难理解,不幸的是,微软在这个阶段没有给出任何C#代码示例。我希望我能帮助我的小应用程序。代码可以稍微整理一下,在这个阶段它只是被黑客攻击在一起,但它达到了目的。你需要一个有四个组件的Windows窗体:

private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1;
private System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker EnableServicesWorker;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label toolStripStatusLabel2;
private System.Windows.Forms.Label toolStripStatusLabel1;


using System;
using WUApiLib;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Windows_Update_Automation
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public UpdateSession UpdateSession;
        #region <------- Search Section ------->
        public IUpdateSearcher iUpdateSearcher;
        public ISearchJob iSearchJob;
        public UpdateCollection NewUpdatesCollection;
        public ISearchResult NewUpdatesSearchResult;
        #endregion <------- Search Section ------->
        #region <------- Downloader Section ------->
        public IUpdateDownloader iUpdateDownloader;
        public IDownloadJob iDownloadJob;
        public IDownloadResult iDownloadResult;
        #endregion <------- Downloader Section ------->
        #region <------- Installer Section ------->
        public IUpdateInstaller iUpdateInstaller;
        public IInstallationJob iInstallationJob;
        public IInstallationResult iInstallationResult;
        #endregion <------- Installer Section ------->
        // Declare a Delegate Type for Message Notification...
        public delegate void SendNotification();
        // Create an Instance of Delegate Type...
        public SendNotification sendNotification;
        private int count = 0;
        public int Count
            get { return count; }
            set { count = value; }
        public Form1()
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Show - or Hide...
            // Encapsulate the setTextBox1 Method in Delegate SendNotification...
            sendNotification = new SendNotification(setTextBox1);
            // Set Text Box Value...
            this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Enabling Update Services...";
            // Set Text Box Value...
            this.toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "";
            // Lets check Windows is up to that task...
        private void EnableServicesWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // Get Services Collection...
            ServiceController[] serviceController;
            serviceController = ServiceController.GetServices();
            // Loop through and check for a particular Service...
            foreach (ServiceController scTemp in serviceController)
                switch (scTemp.DisplayName)
                    case "Windows Update":
                        RestartService(scTemp.DisplayName, 5000);
                    case "Automatic Updates":
                        RestartService(scTemp.DisplayName, 5000);
            // Check for iAutomaticUpdates.ServiceEnabled...
            IAutomaticUpdates iAutomaticUpdates = new AutomaticUpdates();
            if (!iAutomaticUpdates.ServiceEnabled)
        private void EnableServicesWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Searching for updates...";
        public static void RestartService(string serviceName, int timeoutMilliseconds)
            ServiceController serviceController = new ServiceController(serviceName);
                int millisec1 = Environment.TickCount;
                TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds);
                serviceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout);
                // count the rest of the timeout
                int millisec2 = Environment.TickCount;
                timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds - (millisec2 - millisec1));
                serviceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, timeout);
                // ...
        #region <------- Search Methods ------->
        private void iUpdateSearch()
            UpdateSession = new UpdateSession();
            iUpdateSearcher = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher();
            // Only Check Online..
            iUpdateSearcher.Online = true;
            // Begin Asynchronous IUpdateSearcher...
            iSearchJob = iUpdateSearcher.BeginSearch("IsInstalled=0 AND IsPresent=0", new iUpdateSearcher_onCompleted(this), new iUpdateSearcher_state(this));
        private void iUpdateSearchComplete(Form1 mainform)
            Form1 formRef = mainform;
            // Declare a new UpdateCollection and populate the result...
            NewUpdatesCollection = new UpdateCollection();
            NewUpdatesSearchResult = iUpdateSearcher.EndSearch(iSearchJob);
            Count = NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates.Count;
            // Accept Eula code for each update
            for (int i = 0; i < NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates.Count; i++)
                IUpdate iUpdate = NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates[i];
                if (iUpdate.EulaAccepted == false)
            foreach (IUpdate update in NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates)
                textBox1.AppendText(update.Title + Environment.NewLine);
            if (NewUpdatesSearchResult.Updates.Count > 0)
        #endregion <------- Search Methods ------->
        #region <------- Downloader Methods ------->
        private void iUpdateDownload()
            UpdateSession = new UpdateSession();
            iUpdateDownloader = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader();
            iUpdateDownloader.Updates = NewUpdatesCollection;
            iUpdateDownloader.Priority = DownloadPriority.dpHigh;
            iDownloadJob = iUpdateDownloader.BeginDownload(new iUpdateDownloader_onProgressChanged(this), new iUpdateDownloader_onCompleted(this), new iUpdateDownloader_state(this));
        public void iDownloadComplete()
            iDownloadResult = iUpdateDownloader.EndDownload(iDownloadJob);
            if (iDownloadResult.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded)
                this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Installing Updates...";
                string message = "The Download has failed: " + iDownloadResult.ResultCode + ". Please check your     internet connection then Re-Start the application.";
                string caption = "Download Failed!";
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
                MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons, icon);
        #endregion <------- Downloader Methods ------->
        #region <------- Installation Methods ------->
        public void iInstallation()
            iUpdateInstaller = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller() as IUpdateInstaller;
            iUpdateInstaller.Updates = this.NewUpdatesCollection;
            iInstallationJob = iUpdateInstaller.BeginInstall(new iUpdateInstaller_onProgressChanged(this), new iUpdateInstaller_onCompleted(this), new iUpdateInstaller_state(this));
        public void iInstallationComplete()
            iInstallationResult = iUpdateInstaller.EndInstall(iInstallationJob);
            if (iInstallationResult.ResultCode == OperationResultCode.orcSucceeded)
                this.toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Installation Complete...";
                string message = "The Installation has failed: " + iInstallationResult.ResultCode + ".";
                string caption = "DownInstallationload Failed!";
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.OK;
                MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error;
                MessageBox.Show(message, caption, buttons, icon);
        #endregion <------- Installation Methods ------->
        #region <------- Notification Methods ------->
        public void setTextBox1()
            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = Count + " Updates found...";
        public void setTextBox1Notification(string txt)
            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = txt;
        public void setTextBox2Notification(string txt)
            toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = txt;
        #endregion <------- Notification Methods ------->
        #region <------- iUpdateSearcher.BeginDownload Object Abstract Class's ------->
        // onCompleted [in] 
        // An ISearchCompletedCallback interface that is called when an asynchronous search operation is complete.
        public class iUpdateSearcher_onCompleted : ISearchCompletedCallback
            private Form1 form1;
            public iUpdateSearcher_onCompleted(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
            // Implementation of IDownloadCompletedCallback interface...
            public void Invoke(ISearchJob searchJob, ISearchCompletedCallbackArgs e)
        // state [in] 
        // The caller-specific state that is returned by the AsyncState property of the ISearchJob interface.
        public class iUpdateSearcher_state
            private Form1 form1;
            // Implementation of state interface...
            public iUpdateSearcher_state(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
                form1.setTextBox2Notification("State: Search Started...");
        #endregion <------- iUpdateSearcher.BeginDownload Object Abstract Class's ------->
        #region <------- iUpdateDownloader.BeginDownload Object Abstract Class's ------->
        // onProgressChanged [in] 
        // An IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface that is called periodically for download progress changes before download is complete.
        public class iUpdateDownloader_onProgressChanged : IDownloadProgressChangedCallback
            private Form1 form1;
            public iUpdateDownloader_onProgressChanged(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
            // Implementation of IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface...
            public void Invoke(IDownloadJob downloadJob, IDownloadProgressChangedCallbackArgs e)
                decimal bDownloaded = ((e.Progress.TotalBytesDownloaded / 1024) / 1024);
                decimal bToDownloaded = ((e.Progress.TotalBytesToDownload / 1024) / 1024);
                bDownloaded = decimal.Round(bDownloaded, 2);
                bToDownloaded = decimal.Round(bToDownloaded, 2);
                form1.setTextBox1Notification("Downloading Update: "
                 + e.Progress.CurrentUpdateIndex
                 + "/"
                 + downloadJob.Updates.Count
                 + " - "
                 + bDownloaded + "Mb"
                 + " / "
                 + bToDownloaded + "Mb");
        // onCompleted [in] 
        // An IDownloadCompletedCallback interface (C++/COM) that is called when an asynchronous download operation is complete.
        public class iUpdateDownloader_onCompleted : IDownloadCompletedCallback
            private Form1 form1;
            public iUpdateDownloader_onCompleted(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
            // Implementation of IDownloadCompletedCallback interface...
            public void Invoke(IDownloadJob downloadJob, IDownloadCompletedCallbackArgs e)
        // state [in] 
        // The caller-specific state that the AsyncState property of the IDownloadJob interface returns. 
        // A caller may use this parameter to attach a value to the download job object. 
        // This allows the caller to retrieve custom information about that download job object at a later time.
        public class iUpdateDownloader_state
            private Form1 form1;
            // Implementation of state interface...
            public iUpdateDownloader_state(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
                form1.setTextBox2Notification("State: Download Started...");
        #endregion <------- iUpdateDownloader.BeginDownload Objects ------->
        #region <------- iUpdateInstaller.BeginInstall Object Abstract Class's ------->
        // onProgressChanged [in] 
        // An IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface that is called periodically for download progress changes before download is complete.
        public class iUpdateInstaller_onProgressChanged : IInstallationProgressChangedCallback
            private Form1 form1;
            public iUpdateInstaller_onProgressChanged(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
            // Implementation of IDownloadProgressChangedCallback interface...
            public void Invoke(IInstallationJob iInstallationJob, IInstallationProgressChangedCallbackArgs e)
                form1.setTextBox1Notification("Installing Update: "
                 + e.Progress.CurrentUpdateIndex
                 + " / "
                 + iInstallationJob.Updates.Count
                 + " - "
                 + e.Progress.CurrentUpdatePercentComplete + "% Complete");
        // onCompleted [in] 
        // An IDownloadCompletedCallback interface (C++/COM) that is called when an asynchronous download operation is complete.
        public class iUpdateInstaller_onCompleted : IInstallationCompletedCallback
            private Form1 form1;
            public iUpdateInstaller_onCompleted(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
            // Implementation of IDownloadCompletedCallback interface...
            public void Invoke(IInstallationJob iInstallationJob, IInstallationCompletedCallbackArgs e)
        // state [in] 
        // The caller-specific state that the AsyncState property of the IDownloadJob interface returns. 
        // A caller may use this parameter to attach a value to the download job object. 
        // This allows the caller to retrieve custom information about that download job object at a later time.
        public class iUpdateInstaller_state
            private Form1 form1;
            // Implementation of state interface...
            public iUpdateInstaller_state(Form1 mainForm)
                this.form1 = mainForm;
                form1.setTextBox2Notification("State: Installation Started...");
#endregion <------- iUpdateInstaller.BeginInstall Objects ------->

添加对WUApiLib 的引用

 public UpdateSession updateSession;
 public ISearchResult searchResult;
 private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //check for updates
        updateSession = new UpdateSession();
        searchResult = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher().Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0");

        //download updates
        UpdateDownloader downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader();
        downloader.Updates = searchResult.Updates;
        //collect all downloaded updates
        UpdateCollection updatesToInstall = new UpdateCollection();
        foreach (IUpdate update in searchResult.Updates)
            if (update.IsDownloaded)
        //install downloaded updates
        IUpdateInstaller installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller();
        installer.Updates = updatesToInstall;
        IInstallationResult installationRes = installer.Install();