
本文关键字:Dictionary 类型 派生 字典 子集 转换 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:17:09


//my base class holding a value
public abstract class A{ public int aValue; }
//derived classes that actually are stuffed into the dictionary
public class B : A {...}
public class C : A {...}
//wrapper class for dictionary
public class MyDict : Dictionary<string, A>;
//my class using the dictionary
public class MyClass {
  public MyDict dict = new MyDict();//use an instance of MyDict
  public MyClass() { ... //fill dict with instances of B and C }
  //function to return all elements of dict having a given value
  public MyDict GetSubSet(int testVal) {
    var ret = dict.Where(e => e.Value.aValue == testVal).
                       ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.Value);
    return (MyDict) ret; // <- here I get a runtime InvalidCastException


我也尝试使用return ret as MyDict;来转换结果,但这将返回一个空值。像这样通过object进行强制转换:return (MyDict) (object) ret;也会失败,并出现InvalidCastException。




public class MyDict : Dictionary<string, A> {
    public MyDict() {
        // Perform the default initialization here
    public MyDict(IDictionary<string,A> dict): base(dict) {
        // Initialize with data from the dict if necessary
public MyDict GetSubSet(int testVal) {
    var ret = dict.Where(e => e.Value.aValue == testVal).
                   ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => k.Value);
    return new MyDict(ret);