将字符串加粗,显示在RadGrid txtNote和标签中

本文关键字:txtNote RadGrid 标签 显示 字符串 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:53:01


NoteTYPE - CommunicationType - ContactType 电子签名:某人的名字6/12/2016 12:00:00这是笔记文本。它是文本。



    /// <summary>
    ///     Creates and shows all session notes in a text format.
    /// </summary>
    protected void ShowAllSessionNotes()
        var allNotes = new StringBuilder();
        string splitStr = "";
        string[] newStr = null;
        foreach (var noteItem in SessionNotes())
                allNotes.Append("<b>" + noteItem.DmSessionNoteType + " - </b>");
                allNotes.Append("<b>" + noteItem.DmCommunicationType + " - </b>");
                allNotes.Append("<b>" + noteItem.DmContactType + " - </b>");
                allNotes.Append(noteItem.AddDateTime + " (CST)");
                if (ShowDuration)
                    allNotes.AppendFormat(" - <b>Duration:</b> {0} - <b>Electronically signed by: </b> {1}",
                    FormatDuration(noteItem.Duration), noteItem.CCName);
                if (noteItem.Note.Contains('|'))
                    splitStr = noteItem.Note;
                    newStr = splitStr.Split('|');
                    noteItem.Note = String.Join("<br/>", newStr);
            if (noteItem.Note.Contains(':') && noteItem.Note.StartsWith("Electronically"))
                splitStr = noteItem.Note;
                string bldStr = splitStr.Split(':')[0];
                allNotes.Append("<br />");
                allNotes.Append("<br /><br />");

            lblShowAllSessionNotes.Text = allNotes.ToString();
            lblShowAllSessionNotes.Visible = true;


    /// <summary>
    ///     Helper function that populates a session note entity.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">The GridEditableItem to pull data from.</param>
    /// <param name="sessionNote">Existing PatientSessionNote entity.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns a populated PatientSessionNote entity.</returns>
    private PatientSessionNote PopulatePatientSessionNote(GridEditableItem item, ref List<string> errors)
        var id = item.ItemIndex != -1 ? Convert.ToInt32(item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[item.ItemIndex]["ID"]) : 0;
        var rcb = item.FindControl("radCmbNoteType") as RadComboBox;
        var rcbCC = item.FindControl("radCmbCommunicationType") as RadComboBox;
        var rcbC = item.FindControl("radCmbContactType") as RadComboBox;
        var rtb = item.FindControl("rtbNote") as RadTextBox;
        string userSign = "Electronically signed by: ";             
        var appendDate = DateTime.Now;
        var appendUser = User.Identity.Name;
        var appendName = new MasterBLL().getUserName(appendUser);   
        var origSessNote = item.FindControl("HideOriginalSessionNote") as HiddenField;   
        string sessionNoteSent = "";

        if (origSessNote.Value == "".Trim() || origSessNote == null)
            sessionNoteSent = rtb.Text;
            sessionNoteSent = origSessNote.Value + " | " + Environment.NewLine + userSign + appendName + " " + appendDate.ToString() + " | " + Environment.NewLine + rtb.Text;
        var sessionNote = new PatientSessionNote
            Id = id,
            PatientId = _patientId,
            DeleteReason = string.Empty,
            IsDeleted = false,
            LastUpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now,
            LastUpdateUserName = CurrentUserId,
            CommunicationTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(rcbCC.SelectedValue),
            ContactTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(rcbC.SelectedValue),
            SessionNoteTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(rcb.SelectedValue),
            Note = Server.HtmlDecode(sessionNoteSent)                
        if (id == 0)
            sessionNote.AddDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            sessionNote.AddUserName = CurrentUserId;

        if (ShowDuration)
            var rdpSessionDate = item.FindControl("rdpSessionDate") as RadDatePicker;
            var txtSessionStartTime = item.FindControl("txtSessionStartTime") as TextBox;
            var txtSessionEndTime = item.FindControl("txtSessionEndTime") as TextBox;
            //Set any existing values to NULL (for UPDATEs) so that validation doesn't allow incorrect inputs because of pre-existing old values
            //This values will be redefined thru the standard INSERT practices
            sessionNote.SessionStart = null;
            sessionNote.SessionEnd = null;
            sessionNote.Duration = 0;
            if (rdpSessionDate != null && txtSessionStartTime != null && txtSessionEndTime != null)
                var regexDate = Regex.Match(rdpSessionDate.DbSelectedDate.ToString(), @"'d{1,2}/'d{1,2}/'d{4}",
                if (regexDate.Success)
                    var startTime = Regex.Match(txtSessionStartTime.Text,
                        @"(?i)(?<Hours>'d{1,2}):(?<Minutes>'d{2})(?<Meridian>am|pm)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                    var endTime = Regex.Match(txtSessionEndTime.Text,
                        @"(?i)(?<Hours>'d{1,2}):(?<Minutes>'d{2})(?<Meridian>am|pm)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                    if (startTime.Success && endTime.Success)
                        //SessionStart & SessionEnd Dates
                        DateTime varDate;
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(rdpSessionDate.DbSelectedDate.ToString(), out varDate))
                            var startHours = int.Parse(startTime.Groups["Hours"].Value)%12;
                            var endHours = int.Parse(endTime.Groups["Hours"].Value)%12;
                            var startMinutes = int.Parse(startTime.Groups["Minutes"].Value);
                            var endMinutes = int.Parse(endTime.Groups["Minutes"].Value);
                            var isStartAM = Regex.IsMatch(startTime.Groups["Meridian"].Value.ToLower(), "am");
                            var isEndAM = Regex.IsMatch(endTime.Groups["Meridian"].Value.ToLower(), "am");
                            if (varDate != DateTime.MinValue)
                                var startDate = new DateTime(varDate.Year, varDate.Month, varDate.Day,
                                    ((isStartAM) ? startHours : (startHours + 12)), startMinutes, 0);
                                var endDate = new DateTime(varDate.Year, varDate.Month, varDate.Day,
                                    ((isEndAM) ? endHours : (endHours + 12)), endMinutes, 0);
                                var span = endDate.Subtract(startDate);
                                sessionNote.SessionStart = startDate;
                                if (span.TotalMinutes > 0)
                                    //Only log if the amount of minutes is a positive number (integer)
                                    sessionNote.SessionEnd = endDate;
                                    sessionNote.Duration = (int) span.TotalMinutes;
                                    errors.Add(@"The start time is greater than the end time");
                                    errors.Add(@"Date chosen: " + rdpSessionDate.DbSelectedDate);
                                    errors.Add(@"Start date time: " + startDate);
                                    errors.Add(@"End date time: " + endDate);
                                    errors.Add(@"Total minutes: " + span.TotalMinutes);
                                errors.Add(@"Invalid date format: " + rdpSessionDate.DbSelectedDate);
                            errors.Add(@"Invalid date format: " + rdpSessionDate.DbSelectedDate);
                        if (!startTime.Success)
                            errors.Add(@"Invalid start time format: " + txtSessionStartTime.Text);
                        if (!endTime.Success)
                            errors.Add(@"Invalid end time format: " + txtSessionEndTime.Text);
                    errors.Add(@"Invalid date format: " + rdpSessionDate.DbSelectedDate);
                if (rdpSessionDate == null)
                    errors.Add(@"RadDatePicker ControlID ""rdpSessionDate"" could not be found");
                if (txtSessionStartTime == null)
                    errors.Add(@"TextBox ControlID ""txtSessionStartTime"" could not be found");
                if (txtSessionEndTime == null)
                    errors.Add(@"TextBox ControlID ""txtSessionEndTime"" could not be found");
        if (errors.Count > 0)
            errors.Add("Server date: " + DateTime.Today);
        return sessionNote;


将字符串加粗,显示在RadGrid txtNote和标签中



公共字符串UserSign {get;设置;}


UserSign = "" + UserSign + "";

sessionNoteSent = origSessNote。值+ " | " +环境。NewLine + " ' " + appendName + " " + appendDate.ToString() + " | " + Environment。


splitStr = noteItem.Note;newStr = splitStr.Split(' ");noteItem。注释=字符串。加入(UserSign newStr);
