ASP.. NET专用字体在pdf中不能正确显示

本文关键字:不能 显示 pdf NET 专用 字体 ASP | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:18:36


    PrivateFontCollection pfc = new PrivateFontCollection();
    XPdfFontOptions opt = new XPdfFontOptions(PdfFontEmbedding.Default);
    //I have tried both of these options:
    XFont pdfFont = new XFont(pfc.Families[0], 12, XFontStyle.Regular, opt);
    XFont exoFont = new XFont("Exo", 12);
    gfx.DrawString("Did you receive the product as ordered?", exoFont, XBrushes.Black, 50, 45, XStringFormats.Default);
    gfx.DrawString("Did you receive the product as ordered?", pdfFont, XBrushes.Black, 50, 60, XStringFormats.Default);

ASP.. NET专用字体在pdf中不能正确显示

