
本文关键字:缓存 位置 同步 API 托管 EWS | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:18:58

当使用Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API同步文件夹层次结构或同步项时,客户端缓存位于何处?它只在内存中吗?它在磁盘上吗?有没有办法找到或控制缓存的位置?







// Track whether there are more items available for download on the server.
bool moreChangesAvailable = false;
do {
    // Get a list of all items in the Inbox by calling SyncFolderHierarchy repeatedly until no more changes are available.
    // The folderId parameter must be set to the root folder to synchronize,
    // and must be same folder ID as used in previous synchronization calls. 
    // The propertySet parameter is set to IdOnly to reduce calls to the Exchange database,
    // because any additional properties result in additional calls to the Exchange database. 
    // The ignoredItemIds parameter is set to null, so that no items are ignored.
    // The maxChangesReturned parameter is set to return a maximum of 10 items (512 is the maximum).
    // The syncScope parameter is set to Normal items, so that associated items will not be returned.
    // The syncState parameter is set to cSyncState, which should be null in the initial call, 
    // and should be set to the sync state returned by the 
    // previous SyncFolderItems call in subsequent calls.
    ChangeCollection<ItemChange> icc = service.SyncFolderItems(new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox), PropertySet.IdOnly, null, 10, SyncFolderItemsScope.NormalItems, cSyncState);
    // If the count of changes is zero, there are no changes to synchronize.
    if (icc.Count <> 0) {
        // Otherwise, write all the changes included in the response to the console. 
        foreach (ItemChange ic in icc) {
            Console.WriteLine("ChangeType: " + ic.ChangeType.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("ItemId: " + ic.ItemId);
    // Save the sync state for use in future SyncFolderContent requests.
    // The sync state is used by the server to determine what changes to report
    // to the client.
    string sSyncState = icc.SyncState;
   // Determine whether more changes are available on the server.
   moreChangesAvailable = icc.MoreChangesAvailable;
while (moreChangesAvailable);


