
本文关键字:关联 分隔符 保留 拆分 字符串 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:20:03

在拆分字符串时,我希望生成一系列标记-分隔符对。因此,使用,;作为我的分隔符,我希望" a , b;"生成new int[][]{{" a ",","},{" b",";"},{"",""}}。最后一个条目表示字符串以分隔符结尾。当然,两个连续的分隔符要用一个空标记来分隔。




var input = @" a , b;whatever";
// The 'G anchor ensures the next match begins where the last ended.
// Then non-greedily (as in don't eat the separators) try to find a value.
// Finally match a separator.
var matches = Regex.Matches(input, @"'G(.*?)([,;])")
// All the matches, deal with pairs as appropriate - here I simply group
// them into strings, but build a List of Pairs or whatnot.
var res = matches
    .Select(m => "{" + m.Groups[1].Value + "|" + m.Groups[2].Value + "}");
// res -> Enumerable with "{ a |,}", "{ b|;}" 
String trailing;
var lastMatch = matches.LastOrDefault();
if (lastMatch != null) {
    trailing = input.Substring(lastMatch.Index + lastMatch.Length);
    // If the separator was at the end, trailing is an empty string
} else {
    // No matches, the entire input is trailing.
    trailing = input;
// trailing -> "whatever"
