如何为发送到移动设备的垂直居中消息创建WYSIWYG TextBox控件编辑器

本文关键字:创建 消息 垂直居中 WYSIWYG TextBox 编辑器 控件 移动 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:49:16

我有一个WPF TextBox,它包含七行文本,并且启用了换行。

<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" MaxLines="7"/>



因此,当用户在TextBox控件中输入文本并点击"Send Message"按钮时,必须对输入的文本进行一些后处理,然后才能将其发送到移动设备。


所以当用户点击"Send Message"按钮时这是进行后处理的代码:

  public static String AddNewLineCharsToMessage(TextBox textBox)
     String message = String.Empty;
     if (textBox == null) return message;
     // First strip all the carriage returns and newline characters
     // so we don't have duplicate newline characters in the message.
     // Then add back in just the newline characters which is what the 
     // mobile device uses to wrap lines.
     // Just assign the text if we have a single line message
     if (textBox.LineCount < 2)
        return textBox.Text;
     var textLines = new List<string>(5);
     int lineCount = Math.Min(textBox.LineCount, textBox.MaxLines);
     for (Int32 index = 0; index < lineCount; index++)
        if (textBox.GetLineText(index).Length > 0)
           textLines[index] = textLines[index].Replace("'r", "");
           textLines[index] = textLines[index].Replace("'n", "");
     message = String.Empty;
     for (Int32 index = 0; index < lineCount; index++)
        message += textLines[index] + (index < lineCount - 1 ? "'n" : "");
     return message;

给出上面的代码,我希望单行文本的输出看起来像:"'n'n'n'nFoo"。然而,输出是"'nFoo'nFoo'nFoo'nFoo 'nFoo'nFoo"。在代码中设置一个断点,我看到索引0到3的TextBox . getlinetext (index)为每个索引返回"Foo",即使"Foo"只在TextBox控件中显示一次。





如何为发送到移动设备的垂直居中消息创建WYSIWYG TextBox控件编辑器


    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" VerticalAlignment="Center">
    <TextBox AcceptsReturn="True" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" BorderThickness="0"> </TextBox>


      public static String AddNewLineCharsToMessage(TextBox textBox)
     String message = String.Empty;
     if (textBox == null) return message;
     // Just assign the text if we have a single line message
     if (textBox.LineCount < 2)
        return textBox.Text;

     // Find the index for the first line that contains text displayed in the TextBox.
     // GetLineText(index) will return the text displayed/entered by the user for indices less
     // than the index of the line that the text is actually displayed on.  This seems to be
     // a bug to me, but I will workaround this Microsoft weirdness.
     // Find the index of first line that actually displays text by using the length of TextBox.Text
     Int32 firstTextLineIndex = 0;
     Int32 textLen = textBox.Text.Length;
     Int32 textLinesLen = 0;
     for (Int32 firstTextLine = textBox.LineCount - 1; firstTextLine >= 0; firstTextLine--)
        textLinesLen += textBox.GetLineText(firstTextLine).Length;
        if (textLinesLen >= textLen)
           firstTextLineIndex = firstTextLine;
     // First strip all the carriage returns and newline characters
     // so we don't have duplicate newline characters in the message.
     // Then add back in just the newline characters which is what the car
     // code uses to parse out the message to be displayed on each line.
     var textLines = new List<string>(5);
     int lineCount = Math.Min(textBox.LineCount, textBox.MaxLines);
     for (Int32 index = 0; index < lineCount; index++)
        if (index < firstTextLineIndex)
        else  // if (textBox.GetLineText(index).Length > 0)
           textLines[index] = textLines[index].Replace("'r", "");
           textLines[index] = textLines[index].Replace("'n", "");
     message = String.Empty;
     for (Int32 index = 0; index < lineCount; index++)
        message += textLines[index] + (index < lineCount - 1 ? "'n" : "");
     return message;