
本文关键字:倾斜 坐标 XYZ 三角 运算 数学 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:20:55



class ellipsoid
    public ellipsoid() { }
    public double bearing { get; set; }
    public double plunge { get; set; }
    public double dip { get; set; }
    public double x { get; set; }
    public double y { get; set; }
    public double z { get; set; }
class exampleCalc
    public void createDippingEllipse(ellipsoid ellipsoid, double majorAxis, double semiMajorAxis)
    // majorAxis is the longest axis, semiMajorAxis is the shorter axis
        double semiMajorAxisApparent = 0;
        Int32 strNum = 1;
        point delta = new point();
        point horz = new point();
        point ep = new point();
        point p = new point();
        p.x = ellipsoid.x;
        p.y = ellipsoid.y;
        p.z = ellipsoid.z;
        // az represents the angular interval along which points will be located
        for (Int32 az = 0; az <= 360; az = az + 10)
            double rakeAngle = 0;
            if (az >= 0 && az <= 90)
                rakeAngle = az;
            if (az > 90 && az <= 180)
                rakeAngle = 180 - az;
            if (az > 180 && az <= 270)
                rakeAngle = az - 180;
            if (az > 270 && az <= 360)
                rakeAngle = 360 - az;
            if (ellipsoid.dip == 90)
                semiMajorAxisApparent = semiMajorAxis;
                semiMajorAxisApparent = semiMajorAxis * Math.Cos(ep.degreesToRadians(Math.Abs(ellipsoid.dip)));
            double cosAz = Math.Cos(ep.degreesToRadians(az));
            double sinAz = Math.Sin(ep.degreesToRadians(az));
            // convert mathematical bearing to bearing where north is zero
            double bearing0north = ellipsoid.bearing + 90;
            if (bearing0north > 360) { bearing0north = 360 - bearing0north; }
            double cosBearing = Math.Cos(ep.degreesToRadians(bearing0north));
            double sinBearing = Math.Sin(ep.degreesToRadians(bearing0north));
            // delta.x and delta.y are correct
            delta.x = (majorAxis * cosBearing * cosAz) - (semiMajorAxisApparent * sinBearing * sinAz);
            delta.y = (majorAxis * cosAz * sinBearing) + (semiMajorAxisApparent * sinAz * cosBearing);
            double horzDist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(delta.x, 2) + Math.Pow(delta.y, 2));
            // uncorrected for apparent horz length
            horz.x = (majorAxis * cosBearing * cosAz) - (semiMajorAxis * sinBearing * sinAz);
            horz.y = (majorAxis * cosAz * sinBearing) + (semiMajorAxis * sinAz * cosBearing);
            double apparentDip = Math.Atan(Math.Tan(ep.degreesToRadians(Math.Abs(ellipsoid.bearing))) * Math.Sin(ep.degreesToRadians(rakeAngle)));
            // delta.z is not correct
            delta.z = horzDist * Math.Atan(apparentDip);
            ep.x = p.x + delta.x;
            ep.y = p.y + delta.y;
            ep.z = p.z + delta.z;


