
本文关键字:嵌套 字典 转换 XML | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:20:58


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Organization ID="201">
        <Department Name="Facility">
        <Department Name="IT">


public class NestedDictionary<K1, K2, V> :
 Dictionary<K1, Dictionary<K2, V>> { }


private static void XmlToDict(XmlNode definitions)
    NestedDictionary<int, string, string> dictionary = new NestedDictionary<int, string, string>();
    foreach (XmlNode idNode in definitions)
        foreach (XmlNode nameNode in idNode)
            // The following line does not work
            dictionary.Add(idNode.Name, nameNode.Name, nameNode);



var element = XElement.Parse(yourXML);
var result = element.Descendants("Organization")
                .Select(org => new {
                    ID = org.Attribute("ID").Value,
                    Departments = org.Descendants("Department")
                    .Select(dept => new {
                        Name = dept.Attribute("Name").Value,
                        Employees = int.Parse(dept.Element("Employees").Value),
                        Building = dept.Element("Building").Value,
                        Obj = dept.Element("Obj").Value
                    org => int.Parse(org.ID),
                    org => org.Departments.ToDictionary(dept => dept.Name));

结果成为CCD_ 5的字典。当然,如果您不希望使用匿名类型,您可以声明自己的Department类:

public class Department
    public int Building { get; set; }
    public int Employees { get; set; }
    public string Obj { get; set; }

并且调用CCD_ 7而不是如上所示的匿名CCD_。该表达式将生成<int, Dictionary<string, Department>> 类型的字典


    public class XmlConverter
        public static Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, Department>> Convert(XmlDocument xdoc)
            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, Department>> result = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, Department>>();
            foreach (XmlNode org in xdoc.SelectNodes("Definitions/Organization")) {
                int orgId = int.Parse(org.SelectSingleNode("@ID").Value);
                result.Add(orgId, GetDepartments(org));
            return result;
        private static Dictionary<string, Department> GetDepartments(XmlNode org)
            Dictionary<string, Department> result = new Dictionary<string, Department>();
            foreach (XmlNode dept in org.SelectNodes("Department")) {
                string deptName = dept.SelectSingleNode("@Name").Value;
                Department d = new Department();
                d.Employees = int.Parse(dept.SelectSingleNode("Employees/text()").Value);
                d.Building = int.Parse(dept.SelectSingleNode("Building/text()").Value);
                d.Obj = dept.SelectSingleNode("Obj/text()").Value;
                result.Add(deptName, d);
            return result;

我们将组织表示为Dictionary<string, Department>,其键是部门名称,值是部门对象。

整个树表示为Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, Department>>,其键是组织ID,值是部门字典。

在Microsoft Visual Studio中使用粘贴XML作为C#类。您可以使用生成的类来描述您的字典、元组或您的需求,属性/对象的名称将与构建Xml is文件的名称完全相同。使用:

1. Visual Studio 2012 IDE you can convert XML document into C# classes as a Serializable type.

2. In .NET framework 4.5 there you have: Menu -> Edit -> Paste Special -> Paste Xml as Classes.


Xsd.exe可以在[InstallDrive]:''Program Files''Microsoft Visual Studio.NET[2003]''SDK[v1.1]''bin目录中找到。该实用工具的默认源输出语言是C#,生成XSD,并使用该XSD生成标准C#类,最后生成强类型DataSet。



Locate the Command Prompt from your version of visual studio:
1.    Check if xsd.exe exist (type xsd.exe) if true a list of commads will be displayed. 
2.    Navigate to your work folder.  (cd, cd..)
3.    Create your xml file MyFile.xml
4.    Run the transformation from xml to xsd with xsd.exe MyFile.xml
5.    Next create MyFile.cs wit command xsd.exe MyFile.xsd /c
In the folder is now created a file .cs with the C# class ready to read from xml.