
本文关键字:Null 字段 服务 回调 WCF | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:16






 [CallbackBehavior(UseSynchronizationContext = false, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple, IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true)]
public class HostedTransactionServiceProcess : ServiceProcess<IHostedTransactionService, HostedTransactionServiceInvoker, ConfigurationDuplexChannelFactory<IHostedTransactionService>>, IHostedTransactionServiceProcess, IHostedTransactionCallbackService
    #region Properties
    private ICADSession _cadSession;
    public ICADSession CADSession
        get { return _cadSession; }
        set { _cadSession = value; }

    #region Operations
    public void Commit(ICADSession cadSession, IEnumerable<IDTOEntity> dtoEntityCollection, IDTODocument dtoDocument, IDTOOperationLock operationLock)
        lock (_serviceInvokerLock)
            //Since the callback session will be instantiated by the WCF Service, any fields/properties in this class will be instantiated to null.
            //This is because the Service is instantiating its own instance, creating its own proxy, based on the applied callback interface contract
            //To work around this so that a call to the CAD System can wait until the CAD System responds back through the WCF Service, a named, inter-process
            //EventWaitHandle will be used
            using (EventWaitHandle waitHandle = ServiceWaitHandleHelper.StartNew(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, cadSession, "Commit"))
                //Set a local value... the issue is that this will end up null when the callback event is called!!!!!
                //This seems to be because this instance making the Commit() call is different from the callback instance created to make the OnCommitted() call!!!
                this.CADSession = cadSession;
                //Make the proxy operation call
                this.ServiceInvoker.Execute(serviceProxy => serviceProxy.Commit(cadSession, dtoEntityCollection, dtoDocument, operationLock));
                //The lock will not be released for the next Commit() operation call until the entire commit process is completed or the operation times out.
    //The WCF Service Callback will call this
    public void OnCommitted(ICADSession cadSession, IEnumerable<IDTOEntity> entityCollection, IDTODocument dtoDocument, IDTOOperationLock operationLock)
        //First allow the Commit() operation to continue
        EventWaitHandle waitHandle = ServiceWaitHandleHelper.GetExisting(cadSession, "Commit");
        if (waitHandle != null && this.CADSession == cadSession)  //!!!!!! Here is the issue!!!  Even though this.CADSession was set to a value, the callback instance says it is null!!!

