
本文关键字:集合 ViewModels 模型 同类型 解析 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:20


  • SquareModel->SquareViewModel
  • CircleModel->CircleViewModel




 * Models (these are generated by a service, the service doesn't and should not now about views or view models)
abstract class BaseModel { }
class SquareModel : BaseModel { }
class CircleModel : BaseModel { }

 *  View Models
abstract class BaseViewModel<TModel> // : INOtificationPropertyChanged, etc
    protected TModel Model;
    public void SetModel(TModel model)
        Model = model;
    protected virtual void OnChangeModel()
        // Assignment of base properties here, based on Model
    // Declarate some base properties here
[TypeMetadata(Type = "CircleViewModel")]
class CircleViewModel : BaseViewModel<CircleModel>
    protected override void OnChangeModel()
        // Assignment of circle specific properties here, based on Model
    // Declarate some circle specific properties here
[TypeMetadata(Type = "SquareViewModel")]
class SquareViewModel : BaseViewModel<SquareModel>
    protected override void OnChangeModel()
        // Assignment of square specific properties here, based on Model
    // Declarate some square specific properties here
class Program
    protected IEnumerable<ExportFactory<BaseViewModel<BaseModel>, ITypeMetadata>> Factories { get; set; }
    public BaseViewModel<BaseModel> Create(string viewModelType)
        var factory = (from f in Factories where f.Metadata.Type.Equals(viewModelType) select f).First();
        // Factory is able to create View Models of type viewModelType using CreateExport() function
        var vm = factory.CreateExport().Value;
        return vm;
        // Same error as with solution A
        // cannot convert from 'ConsoleApplication1.SquareViewModel' to 'ConsoleApplication1.BaseViewModel<ConsoleApplication1.BaseModel>'
        // This error is actually displayed in ExportFactory context, but it means the same
    public BaseViewModel<BaseModel> CreateFrom(Type type)
        var vmTypeName = type.Name + "ViewModel";
        return Create(vmTypeName);
    public BaseViewModel<BaseModel> CreateVMUsingExportFactory(BaseModel model)
        var vm = CreateFrom(model.GetType());
        return vm;
    public void DoStuff()
        // Suppose service gives me this
        var serviceOutput = new List<BaseModel>
                                    new SquareModel(),
                                    new CircleModel(),
                                    new CircleModel(),
                                    new SquareModel(),
                                    new CircleModel(),
                                    new SquareModel(),
                                    new SquareModel()
                                    // may be longer but not the point
        // viewModelCollection is bound to a listbox, by using datatemplates everthing is nicely placed on the canvas; no problem there
        // Actually this is a ObserveableCollection
        List<BaseViewModel<BaseModel>> viewModelCollection = new List<BaseViewModel<BaseModel>>();

        // What to do here?
        // A. Switch-on-type
        foreach (var model in serviceOutput)
            // Note there are beter implementations of this, using dicationaries and delegates, main goal of that is to not break when refactoring;
            switch (model.GetType().Name)
                case "SquareModel":
                    SquareViewModel vm = new SquareViewModel();
                    vm.SetModel((SquareModel)model); // another cast..... :(
                    // Error: 
                    // cannot convert from 'ConsoleApplication1.SquareViewModel' to 'ConsoleApplication1.BaseViewModel<ConsoleApplication1.BaseModel>'
                case "CircleModel":
                    // same
        // B. MEF ExportFactory<>
        foreach (var model in serviceOutput)
            var vm = CreateVMUsingExportFactory(model);
        // C. Something else?!
        // Please help ;-).




List<object> viewModelCollection = new List<object>(serviceOutput.Select(model=> CreateVMUsingExportFactory(model) as object));
