在Bootcamp上安装TFS 2015 Express失败-CreateATFileCacheFolder错误

本文关键字:Express 失败 -CreateATFileCacheFolder 错误 2015 TFS Bootcamp 安装 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:20

我正试图在bootcamp上安装windows 10的双启动macpro上安装TFS 2015 Express。我有visual studio pro 2015,SQL Express 2014。所有预检查顺利通过,IIS已完全配置。安装程序坚持在Macintosh HD(D:drive)上写缓存文件夹,而这恰好是只读的,我宁愿它不写。我想不出一种方法来进行自定义安装或覆盖默认操作。以下是配置日志的摘录。

[Info   @23:44:29.298] +-+-+-+-+-| Running CreateATFileCacheFolder: Creating Application Tier file cache folder ... |+-+-+-+-+-
[Info   @23:44:29.314] 
[Info   @23:44:29.314] +-+-+-+-+-| Creating Application Tier file cache folder ... |+-+-+-+-+-
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Starting Node: CCRTATFILECACHE
[Info   @23:44:29.314] NodePath : Container/Progress/CCRTATFILECACHE
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Creating 'D:'TfsData'ApplicationTier'_fileCache' ...
[Error  @23:44:29.314] 
Exception Message: Access to the path 'D:'TfsData'ApplicationTier'_fileCache' is denied. (type UnauthorizedAccessException)
Exception Stack Trace:    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost)
   at System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost)
   at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Admin.ConfigureCreateFolder.Run(ActivityContext context)
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Node returned: Error
[Error  @23:44:29.314] The Application Tier file cache folder could not be created.  See the configuration log for additional details.
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Completed CreateATFileCacheFolder: Error
[Info   @23:44:29.314] -----------------------------------------------------
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Execution results:
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Overall result: Failure
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Nodes completed: 1
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Nodes succeeded: 0
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Nodes skipped: 0
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Nodes with errors: 1
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Nodes with warnings: 0
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Number of error messages: 1
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Number of warning messages: 0
[Info   @23:44:29.314] Number of info messages: 0
[Error  @23:44:29.314] Activity failed.


在Bootcamp上安装TFS 2015 Express失败-CreateATFileCacheFolder错误


