
本文关键字:NET 自动化 广告 OAuth Bing | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:26

如何登录Microsoft Live(使用.NET WebClient?)并自动执行OAuth流程,以获取用于进行Bing Ads API调用的令牌?

我的问题类似于如何从live.com获得OAuth request_token?。然而,我正在使用一个链接到多个其他Bing广告帐户的Bing广告超级管理员帐户的上下文构建(C#,.NET 4.5.2)一个无头Windows服务。这个想法是进行身份验证,获取身份验证位,然后在凌晨3点使用这些位进行调用。一些帐户"竞争",例如,组A不应该看到组B的数据,因此让应用程序为每个人获取数据,并在一夜之间对其进行过滤和分发可以解决许多业务问题。


我已经有了Microsoft帐户名和密码,并且在Bing Ads应用程序GUI中设置了一个回调URL""(并且有一个localmydomaincom的HOSTS条目)。

Microsoft示例似乎可以工作,但它自动执行MS Web浏览器控制,期望用户在GUI中输入凭据,然后给出令牌。将超级管理员帐户交给用户来执行此操作不是一种选择。期望用户在凌晨3点起床进行身份验证以上传/下载数据不是一种选择。期望用户获得对服务器场中服务器的桌面访问权限以"运行某些内容"不是一种选择。




 partial class OAuthForm : Form
        private static OAuthForm _form;
        private static WebBrowser _browser;
        private static string _code;
        private static string _error;
        // When you register your application, the Client ID is provisioned.
        private const string ClientId = "000redacted000";
        // Request-related URIs that you use to get an authorization code, 
        // access token, and refresh token.
        private const string AuthorizeUri = ""; 
        private const string TokenUri = ""; 
        private const string DesktopUri = ""; 
        private const string RedirectPath = "/oauth20_desktop.srf";
        private const string ConsentUriFormatter = "{0}?client_id={1}&scope=bingads.manage&response_type=code&redirect_uri={2}";
        private const string AccessUriFormatter = "{0}?client_id={1}&code={2}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri={3}";
        private const string RefreshUriFormatter = "{0}?client_id={1}&grant_type=refresh_token&redirect_uri={2}&refresh_token={3}";
        // Constructor
        public OAuthForm(string uri)
        static void Main()
            // Create the URI to get user consent. Returns the authorization
            // code that is used to get an access token and refresh token.
            var uri = string.Format(ConsentUriFormatter, AuthorizeUri, ClientId, DesktopUri);
            _form = new OAuthForm(uri);
            // The value for "uri" is 

            _form.FormClosing += form_FormClosing;
            _form.Size = new Size(420, 580);
            // Launch the form and make an initial request for user consent.
            // For example POST /oauth20_authorize.srf?
            //                 client_id=<ClientId>
            //                 &scope=bingads.manage
            //                 &response_type=code
            //                 &redirect_uri= HTTP/1.1
            Application.Run(_form);  // <!---------- Problem is here. 
                                     //  I do not want a web browser window to show,
                                     // I need to automate the part of the process where
                                     // a user enters their name/password and are
                                     // redirected.
            // While the application is running, browser_Navigated filters traffic to identify
            // the redirect URI. The redirect's query string will contain either the authorization  
            // code if the user consented or an error if the user declined.
            // For example<code>

            // If the user did not give consent or the application was 
            // not registered, the authorization code will be null.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_code))






一些OAuth 2.0服务器支持";"资源所有者密码证书授予";,请参阅RFC如果Live服务器支持这一点,它将是不需要浏览器的代码授予的替代方案。然而,即使服务器支持它,出于安全原因,我也建议不要使用它,因为它需要存储您的";超级管理员";服务器上的密码。如果有人盗用了密码,他们就可以完全访问该帐户以及受其保护的所有资源。如果你更改密码,该帐户也会崩溃。代码授予不存在这些问题。



最后,这些";超级管理员";用户可能会反对将他们的密码提供给你的应用程序,因为他们并不真正知道你在用它做什么(据他们所知,你可能正在发送到自己的服务器)。在浏览器中使用代码授权,他们知道你的应用程序永远无法看到他们的密码(有点-你可以监听浏览器事件或其他事情,除非浏览器控件在不受你控制的单独进程中运行,例如Windows 8 WebAuthenticationBroker)。您的应用程序只获得一个具有其授权作用域的令牌。






首先,它获取一个代码,然后用于获取令牌,就像OAuth 2.0规范所要求的那样。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
using WatiN.Core.Native;
using WatiN.Core;
namespace LouiesOAuthCodeGrantFlow
    // Using access tokens requires that you register your application and that
    // the user gives consent to your application to access their data. This 
    // example uses a form and WebBrowser control to get the user's consent.
    // The control and form require a single-threaded apartment.
partial class LouiesBingOAuthAutomation 
    private static LouiesBingOAuthAutomation _form;
    private static string _code;
    private static string _error;
    //your going to want to put these in a secure place this is for the sample
    public const string UserName = "your microsoft user name";
    public const string Password = "<your microsoft account password";
    // When you register your application, the Client ID is provisioned.
    //get your clientid
    private const string ClientId = "<your client id>";
    // Request-related URIs that you use to get an authorization code, 
    // access token, and refresh token.
    private const string AuthorizeUri = "";
    private const string TokenUri = "";
    private const string DesktopUri = "";
    private const string RedirectPath = "/oauth20_desktop.srf";
    private const string ConsentUriFormatter = "{0}?client_id={1}&scope=bingads.manage&response_type=code&redirect_uri={2}";//&displayNone
    private const string AccessUriFormatter = "{0}?client_id={1}&code={2}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri={3}";
    private const string RefreshUriFormatter = "{0}?client_id={1}&grant_type=refresh_token&redirect_uri={2}&refresh_token={3}";
    // Constructor
    public LouiesBingOAuthAutomation(string uri)
    static void Main()
        var uri = string.Format(ConsentUriFormatter, AuthorizeUri, ClientId, DesktopUri);
        _form = new LouiesBingOAuthAutomation(uri);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_code))
        uri = string.Format(AccessUriFormatter, TokenUri, ClientId, _code, DesktopUri);
        AccessTokens tokens = GetAccessTokens(uri);
        Console.WriteLine("Access token expires in {0} minutes: ", tokens.ExpiresIn / 60);
        Console.WriteLine("'nAccess token: " + tokens.AccessToken);
        Console.WriteLine("'nRefresh token: " + tokens.RefreshToken);

        uri = string.Format(RefreshUriFormatter, TokenUri, ClientId, DesktopUri, tokens.RefreshToken);
        tokens = GetAccessTokens(uri);
        Console.WriteLine("Access token expires in {0} minutes: ", tokens.ExpiresIn / 60);
        Console.WriteLine("'nAccess token: " + tokens.AccessToken);
        Console.WriteLine("'nRefresh token: " + tokens.RefreshToken);

    private void InitializeForm(string uri)
        using (var browser = new IE(uri))
            var page = browser.Page<MyPage>();
                StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder();
                js.Append(@"var myTextField = document.getElementById('i0116');");
                js.Append(@"myTextField.setAttribute('value', '"+ UserName + "');");
                var field = browser.ElementOfType<TextFieldExtended>("i0116");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.Write(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
            var len = browser.Url.Length - 43;
            string query = browser.Url.Substring(43, len);
            if (query.Length == 50)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                    Dictionary<string, string> parameters = ParseQueryString(query, new[] { '&', '?' });
                    if (parameters.ContainsKey("code"))
                        _code = parameters["code"];
                        _error = Uri.UnescapeDataString(parameters["error_description"]);
    // Parses the URI query string. The query string contains a list of name-value pairs 
    // following the '?'. Each name-value pair is separated by an '&'.
    private static Dictionary<string, string> ParseQueryString(string query, char[] delimiters)
        var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        string[] pairs = query.Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        foreach (string pair in pairs)
            string[] nameValue = pair.Split(new[] { '=' });
            parameters.Add(nameValue[0], nameValue[1]);
        return parameters;
    // Gets an access token. Returns the access token, access token 
    // expiration, and refresh token.
    private static AccessTokens GetAccessTokens(string uri)
        var responseSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(AccessTokens));
        AccessTokens tokenResponse = null;
            var realUri = new Uri(uri, UriKind.Absolute);
            var addy = realUri.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, realUri.AbsoluteUri.Length - realUri.Query.Length);
            var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(addy);
            request.Method = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(request.GetRequestStream()))
            var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                if (responseStream != null)
                    tokenResponse = (AccessTokens)responseSerializer.ReadObject(responseStream);
        catch (WebException e)
            var response = (HttpWebResponse)e.Response;
            Console.WriteLine("HTTP status code: " + response.StatusCode);
        return tokenResponse;

 public class MyPage : WatiN.Core.Page
    public TextField PasswordField
        get { return Document.TextField(Find.ByName("passwd")); }
    public WatiN.Core.Button LoginButton
        get { return Document.Button(Find.ById("idSIButton9")); }
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "text", Index = 0)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "password", Index = 1)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "textarea", Index = 2)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "hidden", Index = 3)]
 [ElementTag("textarea", Index = 4)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "email", Index = 5)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "url", Index = 6)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "number", Index = 7)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "range", Index = 8)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "search", Index = 9)]
 [ElementTag("input", InputType = "color", Index = 10)]
 public class TextFieldExtended : TextField
    public TextFieldExtended(DomContainer domContainer, INativeElement element)
        : base(domContainer, element)
    public TextFieldExtended(DomContainer domContainer, ElementFinder finder)
        : base(domContainer, finder)
    public static void Register()
        Type typeToRegister = typeof(TextFieldExtended);

 // The grant flow returns more fields than captured in this sample.
 // Additional fields are not relevant for calling Bing Ads APIs or refreshing the token.
 class AccessTokens
    // Indicates the duration in seconds until the access token will expire.
    internal int expires_in = 0;
    // When calling Bing Ads service operations, the access token is used as  
    // the AuthenticationToken header element.
    internal string access_token = null;
    // May be used to get a new access token with a fresh expiration duration.
    internal string refresh_token = null;
    public string AccessToken { get { return access_token; } }
    public int ExpiresIn { get { return expires_in; } }
    public string RefreshToken { get { return refresh_token; } }