
本文关键字:监视器 显示 用法 WMI API 获取 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:21:59

我想知道.NET framework Classes是否提供了一种在不重复使用WMI或WinAPI的情况下检索监视器显示名称的方法(例如:LG TV),我已经知道如何通过这些替代方法检索监视器名称,这个问题是为了好奇,以避免使用API或WMI,以改进总体编码。










Public Function GetMonitorDetails() As List(Of String())
    Dim sReturn As List(Of String()) = New List(Of String())
    'Open the Display Reg-Key
    Dim Display As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine
    Dim bFailed As Boolean = False
        Display = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM'CurrentControlSet'Enum'DISPLAY")
    Catch ex As Exception
        sReturn.Add({"Error", ex.Message})
        bFailed = True
    End Try
    If Not bFailed And (Display IsNot Nothing) Then
        'Get all MonitorIDss
        For Each sMonitorID As String In Display.GetSubKeyNames()
            Dim MonitorID As RegistryKey = Display.OpenSubKey(sMonitorID)
            If MonitorID IsNot Nothing Then
                'Get all Plug&Play ID's
                For Each sPNPID As String In MonitorID.GetSubKeyNames()
                    Dim PnPID As RegistryKey = MonitorID.OpenSubKey(sPNPID)
                    If PnPID IsNot Nothing Then
                        Dim sSubkeys As String() = PnPID.GetSubKeyNames()
                        Dim ssSubkeys As String = String.Join(".", sSubkeys)
                        'Check if Monitor is active
                        If (ssSubkeys.Contains("Control") Or ssSubkeys.Contains("Properties")) And ssSubkeys.Contains("Device Parameters") Then
                            Dim DevParam As RegistryKey = PnPID.OpenSubKey("Device Parameters")
                            Dim sSerial As String = ""
                            Dim sModel As String = ""
                            Dim tmpMfg As String = ""
                            Dim tmpVer As String = ""
                            Dim tmpDev As String = ""
                            Dim iWeek As Integer = 0
                            Dim iYear As Integer = 0
                            'Define Search Keys
                            Dim sSerFind As New String(New Char() {ChrW(0), ChrW(0), ChrW(0), ChrW(&HFF)})
                            Dim sModFind As New String(New Char() {ChrW(0), ChrW(0), ChrW(0), ChrW(&HFC)})
                            'Get the EDID code
                            Dim bObj As Byte() = TryCast(DevParam.GetValue("EDID", Nothing), Byte())
                            If bObj IsNot Nothing Then
                                'Get the 4 Vesa descriptor blocks
                                Dim sDescriptor As String() = New String(3) {}
                                sDescriptor(0) = Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H36, 18)
                                sDescriptor(1) = Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H48, 18)
                                sDescriptor(2) = Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H5A, 18)
                                sDescriptor(3) = Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H6C, 18)
                                iWeek = Asc(Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H10, 1))
                                iYear = Asc(Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H11, 1)) + 1990
                                Dim tmpEDIDMfg As String
                                Dim Char1, Char2, Char3 As Integer
                                Dim Byte1, Byte2 As Byte
                                tmpEDIDMfg = Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H8, 2)
                                Char1 = 0 : Char2 = 0 : Char3 = 0
                                Byte1 = CByte(Asc(Left(tmpEDIDMfg, 1)))
                                Byte2 = CByte(Asc(Right(tmpEDIDMfg, 1)))
                                If (Byte1 And 64) > 0 Then Char1 = Char1 + 16
                                If (Byte1 And 32) > 0 Then Char1 = Char1 + 8
                                If (Byte1 And 16) > 0 Then Char1 = Char1 + 4
                                If (Byte1 And 8) > 0 Then Char1 = Char1 + 2
                                If (Byte1 And 4) > 0 Then Char1 = Char1 + 1
                                If (Byte1 And 2) > 0 Then Char2 = Char2 + 16
                                If (Byte1 And 1) > 0 Then Char2 = Char2 + 8
                                If (Byte2 And 128) > 0 Then Char2 = Char2 + 4
                                If (Byte2 And 64) > 0 Then Char2 = Char2 + 2
                                If (Byte2 And 32) > 0 Then Char2 = Char2 + 1
                                Char3 = Char3 + (Byte2 And 16)
                                Char3 = Char3 + (Byte2 And 8)
                                Char3 = Char3 + (Byte2 And 4)
                                Char3 = Char3 + (Byte2 And 2)
                                Char3 = Char3 + (Byte2 And 1)
                                tmpMfg = Chr(Char1 + 64) & Chr(Char2 + 64) & Chr(Char3 + 64)
                                Dim tmpEDIDMajorVer, tmpEDIDRev As Integer
                                tmpEDIDMajorVer = Asc(Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H12, 1))
                                tmpEDIDRev = Asc(Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &H13, 1))
                                tmpVer = Chr(48 + tmpEDIDMajorVer) & "." & Chr(48 + tmpEDIDRev)
                                Dim tmpEDIDDev1, tmpEDIDDev2 As String
                                tmpEDIDDev1 = Hex(Asc(Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &HA, 1)))
                                tmpEDIDDev2 = Hex(Asc(Encoding.[Default].GetString(bObj, &HB, 1)))
                                If Len(tmpEDIDDev1) = 1 Then tmpEDIDDev1 = "0" & tmpEDIDDev1
                                If Len(tmpEDIDDev2) = 1 Then tmpEDIDDev2 = "0" & tmpEDIDDev2
                                tmpDev = tmpEDIDDev2 & tmpEDIDDev1
                                'Search the Keys
                                For Each sDesc As String In sDescriptor
                                    If sDesc.Contains(sSerFind) Then
                                        sSerial = sDesc.Substring(4).Replace(vbNullChar, "").Trim()
                                    End If
                                    If sDesc.Contains(sModFind) Then
                                        sModel = sDesc.Substring(4).Replace(vbNullChar, "").Trim()
                                    End If
                            End If
                            If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(sPNPID & sSerFind & sModel & sMonitorID) Then
                                sReturn.Add({sMonitorID, sModel, sPNPID, tmpDev, tmpVer, tmpMfg, iWeek, iYear, sSerial})
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
    End If
    Return sReturn
End Function