
本文关键字:即将到来 生日 获取 数据库 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:22:44

我有一个数据库,我想从中获取生日在未来 15 天内的人的列表。我正在使用 ASP.NET C#和MS-Access作为数据库。我用谷歌搜索了很多,但找不到正确的解释。我正在使用

select name,category,dob 
from family_details 
where Month(dob) >= Month(NOW()) and Day(dob) > Day(Now()) 
order by dob desc

此查询,它提供从今天日期开始的当前月份的生日列表。我想要的结果是即将到来的 15 天生日列表......


试试这个。 Add current date 15天,并从中得到month

select name,category,dob 
from family_details 
where Month(dob) in(Month(NOW()),Month(DateAdd(d,15,NOW()))) 
order by dob desc

Month可能会在next 15 days发生变化,因此您还需要获得该month。在这里,您将获得一个用于current month two values一个,在当前日期中添加15 days后,因此如果month已更改,您还将获得该month的值。

你可能需要一个辅助函数来为跳跃者(2 月 29 日出生的人(提供正确的帮助。诀窍是使用闰年不会失败的AddYears


/// <summary>
/// Calculates the next annual day of this instance of System.DateTime relative to today.
/// <para>Calculates correctly Feb. 28th as an annual day in common years for event dates of Feb. 29th.</para>
/// <para>If next annual day should be later than 9999-12-31, the annual day of year 9999 is returned.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventDate">The date of the event.</param>
/// <returns>The date of the upcoming annual day.</returns>
public static DateTime NextAnnualDay(this DateTime eventDate)
    return NextAnnualDay(eventDate, DateTime.Today);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the next annual day of this instance of System.DateTime relative to a future date.
/// <para>Calculates correctly Feb. 28th as an annual day in common years for event dates of Feb. 29th.</para>
/// <para>If futureDate is earlier than this instance, the value of this instance is returned.</para>
/// <para>If next annual day should be later than 9999-12-31, the annual day of year 9999 is returned.</para>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="eventDate">The date of the event.</param>
/// <param name="futureDate">The date from which to find the next annual day of this instance.</param>
/// <returns>The date of the upcoming annual day.</returns>
public static DateTime NextAnnualDay(this DateTime eventDate, DateTime futureDate)
    DateTime nextDate = eventDate;
    if (DateTime.MaxValue.Year - eventDate.Year == 0)
        // No later next annual day can be calculated.
        int years = futureDate.Year - eventDate.Year;
        if (years < 0)
            // Don't calculate a hypothetical next annual day.
            nextDate = eventDate.AddYears(years);
            if (nextDate.Subtract(futureDate).Days <= 0)
                if (DateTime.MaxValue.Year - nextDate.Year == 0)
                    // No later next annual day can be calculated.
                    nextDate = eventDate.AddYears(years + 1);
    return nextDate;

然后像这样(伪 SQL(:

select name, category, dob 
from family_details 
where dob.NextAnnualDay() between today and today.AddDays(15) 
order by dob desc

完成使用 Linq 或转换为参数化 SQL。