
本文关键字:方法 来说 很好 3D 如果 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 17:53:48


public class Sphere
    public Point Center { get; set; }
    public float Radius { get; set; }
    public Sphere(IEnumerable<Point> points)
        Point first = points.First();
        Point vecMaxZ = first;
        Point vecMinZ = first;
        Point vecMaxY = first;
        Point vecMinY = first;
        Point vecMinX = first;
        Point vecMaxX = first;
        foreach (Point current in points)
            if (current.X < vecMinX.X)
                vecMinX = current;
            if (current.X > vecMaxX.X)
                vecMaxX = current;
            if (current.Y < vecMinY.Y)
                vecMinY = current;
            if (current.Y > vecMaxY.Y)
                vecMaxY = current;
            if (current.Z < vecMinZ.Z)
                vecMinZ = current;
            if (current.Z > vecMaxZ.Z)
                vecMaxZ = current;
        //the lines bellow assure at least 2 points sit on the surface of the sphere.
        //I'm pretty sure the algorithm is solid so far, unless I messed up the if/elses.
        //I've been over this, looking at the variables and the if/elses and they all
        //seem correct, but our own errors are the hardest to spot,
        //so maybe there's something wrong here.
        float diameterCandidateX = vecMinX.Distance(vecMaxX);
        float diameterCandidateY = vecMinY.Distance(vecMaxY);
        float diameterCandidateZ = vecMinZ.Distance(vecMaxZ);
        Point c;
        float r;
        if (diameterCandidateX > diameterCandidateY)
            if (diameterCandidateX > diameterCandidateZ)
                c = vecMinX.Midpoint(vecMaxX);
                r = diameterCandidateX / 2f;
                c = vecMinZ.Midpoint(vecMaxZ);
                r = diameterCandidateZ / 2f;
        else if (diameterCandidateY > diameterCandidateZ)
            c = vecMinY.Midpoint(vecMaxY);
            r = diameterCandidateY / 2f;
            c = vecMinZ.Midpoint(vecMaxZ);
            r = diameterCandidateZ / 2f;
        //the lines bellow look for points outside the sphere, and if one is found, then:
        //1 let dist be the distance from the stray point to the current center
        //2 let diff be the equal to dist - radius
        //3 radius will then the increased by half of diff.
        //4 a vector with the same direction as the stray point but with magnitude equal to diff is found
        //5 the current center is moved by half the vector found in the step above.
        //the stray point will now be included
        //and, I would expect, the relationship between the center and other points will be mantained:
        //if distance from p to center = r / k,
        //then new distance from p to center' = r' / k,
        //where k doesn't change from one equation to the other.
        //this is where I'm wrong. I cannot figure out how to mantain this relationship.
        //clearly, I'm moving the center by the wrong amount, and increasing the radius wrongly too.
        //I've been over this problem for so much time, I cannot think outside the box.
        //my whole world is the box. The box and I are one.
        //maybe someone from outside my world (the box) could tell me where my math is wrong, please.
        foreach (Point current in points)
            float dist = current.Distance(c);
            if (dist > r)
                float diff = dist - r;
                r += diff / 2f;
                float scaleFactor = diff / current.Length();
                Point adjust = current * scaleFactor;
                c += adjust / 2f;
        Center = c;
        Radius = r;
    public bool Contains(Point point) => Center.Distance(point) <= Radius;
    public override string ToString() => $"Center: {Center}; Radius: {Radius}";
public class Point
    public float X { get; set; }
    public float Y { get; set; }
    public float Z { get; set; }
    public Point(float x, float y, float z)
        X = x;
        Y = y;
        Z = z;
    public float LengthSquared() => X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z;
    public float Length() => (float) Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);
    public float Distance(Point another)
        return (float) Math.Sqrt(
            (X - another.X) * (X - another.X)
          + (Y - another.Y) * (Y - another.Y)
          + (Z - another.Z) * (Z - another.Z));
    public float DistanceSquared(Point another)
        return (X - another.X) * (X - another.X)
             + (Y - another.Y) * (Y - another.Y)
             + (Z - another.Z) * (Z - another.Z);
    public Point Perpendicular()
        return new Point(-Y, X, Z);
    public Point Midpoint(Point another)
        return new Point(
            (X + another.X) / 2f,
            (Y + another.Y) / 2f,
            (Z + another.Z) / 2f);
    public override string ToString() => $"({X}, {Y}, {Z})";
    public static Point operator +(Point p1, Point p2)
        return new Point(p1.X + p2.X, p1.Y + p2.Y, p1.Z + p2.Z);
    public static Point operator *(Point p1, float v)
        return new Point(p1.X * v, p1.Y * v, p1.Z * v);
    public static Point operator /(Point p1, float v)
        return new Point(p1.X / v, p1.Y / v, p1.Z / v);
//Note: this class is here so I can be able to solve the problems suggested by
//Eric Lippert.
public class Line
    private float coefficient;
    private float constant;
    public Line(Point p1, Point p2)
        float deltaY = p2.Y - p1.Y;
        float deltaX = p2.X - p1.X;
        coefficient = deltaY / deltaX;
        constant = coefficient * -p1.X + p1.Y;
    public Point FromX(float x)
        return new Point(x, x * coefficient + constant, 0);
    public Point FromY(float y)
        return new Point((y - constant) / coefficient, y, 0);
    public Point Intersection(Line another)
        float x = (another.constant - constant) / (coefficient - another.coefficient);
        float y = FromX(x).Y;
        return new Point(x, y, 0);



EDIT 1:我编辑代码是因为它根本没有意义(我很饿,现在是下午4点,我一整天都没有吃东西)。我认为这个更有意义,但不确定它是否正确。最初的问题是:如果这个算法解决了问题,在我们提前知道所有点都有3个维度的情况下,它是否能很好地与标准的专业算法竞争?

EDIT 2:现在我很确定性能很差,我失去了实现一个简单的算法来找到最小的封闭球体的所有希望。我只是想做点有用的东西。请检查最新的更新

EDIT 3:也不工作。我不干了。

EDIT 4:最后,我不知道…大约5个小时。我想明白了。耶稣基督。这个是可行的。有人能告诉我性能问题吗?与专业算法相比,它真的很差吗?我可以改哪几行使它更好?它会在某个点断裂吗?请记住,我将始终使用它的3D点。

EDIT 5:我从Bychenko那里了解到以前的算法仍然不起作用。我在这个问题上睡了一觉,这是我的新算法。我知道它不起作用,我有一个很好的线索,它是错误的,谁能告诉为什么这些特定的计算是错误的,以及如何修复它们?我倾向于认为这与三角函数有关。我的假设对欧几里得空间不成立,因为我总是把向量看成实数实数的集合,在我的例子中,我用它来精确定位欧几里得空间中的一个位置。我很确定我在最后一个循环的某个地方遗漏了一些正弦或余弦(当然,不是确切的正弦或余弦,而是笛卡尔坐标中的等效,因为我们不知道任何角度。

EDIT 5的附录:关于Eric Lippert提出的问题:(1)太琐碎(2)我先为圆做;我将为它添加一个class Line

Point a, b, c; //they are not collinear
Point midOfAB = a.Midpoint(b);
Point midOfBC = b.Midpoint(c);
//multiplying the vector by a scalar as I do bellow doesn't matter right?
Point perpendicularToAB = midOfAB.Perpendicular() * 3;
Point perpendicularToBC = midOfBC.Perpendicular() * 3;
Line bisectorAB = new Line(perpendicularToAB, midOfAB);
Line bisectorBC = new Line(perpendicularToBC, midOfBC);
Point center = bisectorAB.Intersection(bisectorBC);
float distA = center.Distance(a);
float distB = center.Distance(b);
float distC = center.Distance(c);
if(distA == distB && distB == distC)
    //it works (spoiler alert: it doesn't)
    //you're a failure, programmer, pick up your skate and practice some ollies




A = (0, 0, 0) - closest to origin    (0)
B = (3, 3, 0) - farthest from origin (3 * sqrt(2) == 4.2426...) 
C = (4, 0, 0) 


P = (3 / sqrt(2), 3 / sqrt(2), 0)

R = 3 / sqrt(2)

可以看到点C = (4, 0, 0)在球面




 A = (0, 0, 0)
 B = (1, 2, 0)
 C = (4, 1, 0)


 P = (2, 1, 0)

 R = sqrt(5)



  public static class SphereValidator {
    private static Random m_Random = new Random();
    private static String Validate() {
      var triangle = Enumerable
        .Range(0, 3)
        .Select(i => new Point(m_Random.Next(100), m_Random.Next(100), m_Random.Next(100)))
      Sphere solution = new Sphere(triangle);
      double tolerance = 1.0e-5;
      for (int i = 0; i < triangle.Length; ++i) {
        double r = triangle[i].Distance(solution.Center);
        if (Math.Abs(r - solution.Radius) > tolerance) {
          return String.Format("Counter example'r'n  A: {0}'r'n  B: {1}'r'n  C: {2}'r'n  expected distance to '"{3}'": {4}; actual R {5}",
            triangle[0], triangle[1], triangle[2], (char) ('A' + i), r, solution.Radius);
      return null;
    public static String FindCounterExample(int attempts = 10000) {
      for (int i = 0; i < attempts; ++i) {
        String result = Validate();
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
      Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Yes! All {0} tests passed!", attempts));
  Counter example
    A: (3, 30, 9)
    B: (1, 63, 40)
    C: (69, 1, 16)
    expected distance to "A": 35.120849609375; actual R 53.62698

对于一个粗略的近似,计算轴对齐的边界框,然后计算该框的边界球(相同的中心,直径=√(W²+ H²+ D²))。
