
本文关键字:lt Lazy TFrom TTo gt 映射 映射程序 何映射 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:24:38


// Map this list
// It's passed in as an argument and has all the data
IList<Lazy<Employee>> employees
public static IList<TTo> MapList(IList<Lazy<TFrom>> fromModel)
            Mapper.CreateMap<Lazy<TFrom>, TTo>();// Is this needed?
            return Mapper.Map<IList<Lazy<TFrom>>, IList<TTo>>(fromModel);
            // This doesn't work
            // return Mapper.Map<IList<TTo>>(fromModel.Select(x => x.Value));
// Maps the child classes
Mapper.CreateMap<Lazy<Employee>, EmployeeDTO>()
                .ForMember(x => x.AccidentDTO, i => i.MapFrom(model => model.Value.GetAccident()))
                .ForMember(x => x.CriticalIllnessDTO, i => i.MapFrom(model =>                 model.Value.GetCriticalIllness()))
                .ForMember(x => x.ValidationMessages, i => i.MapFrom(model => model.Value.ValidationMessages));
// Returns nulls !!!
var dataDTO = MyMapper<Lazy<Employee>, EmployeeDTO>.MapList(employees);



// Get the Values of the Lazy<Employee> items and use the result for mapping
var nonLazyEmployees = employees.Select(i => i.Value).ToList();
var dataDTO = MyMapper<Employee, EmployeeDTO>.MapList(nonLazyEmployees);
public static IList<TTo> MapList(IList<Lazy<TFrom>> fromModel)
     Mapper.CreateMap<Lazy<TFrom>, TTo>();
     return Mapper.Map<IList<Lazy<TFrom>>, IList<TTo>>(fromModel);
// Maps the child classes
Mapper.CreateMap<Employee, EmployeeDTO>()
     .ForMember(x => x.AccidentDTO, i => i.MapFrom(model => model.GetAccident()))
     .ForMember(x => x.CriticalIllnessDTO, i => i.MapFrom(model => model.GetCriticalIllness()))
     .ForMember(x => x.ValidationMessages, i => i.MapFrom(model => model.ValidationMessages));