
本文关键字:是否 玩家 扑克 何检查 检查 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:25:07

我正在开发一个Poker Texas Hold'Em应用程序。我有所有的组合,但我似乎找不到一种紧凑的方法来检查哪个玩家的组合最高,以及它的类型。以下是我的一些代码

void Rules(int current,int Power)
     //checking if the player has any pair
         Power = 1;
         current = 1;
  • 电流=手的类型(一对=1,两对=2。直齐=8)
  • 力量=手的力量(一对平分=2……一对国王=13)


List <int> Arr = new List <int>();
void Rules(int current,int Power)
    //checking if the player has any pair
        Power = 1;
        current = 1;




public class Card
     public string Name { get; private set; }
     /* cards have a value of 2-14 */
     public int Value { get; private set; }
public abstract class Rule()
      public abstract string Name { get; }
      /* hands are calculated in powers of 100, when the card value is added you will get something like 335 */
      public abstract int Value { get; }
      public abstract bool HasHand(IReadonlyList<Card> cards);
public class PairRule() : Rule
     public override string Name
         get { return "Pair"; }
     public override int Value
         get { return 100; }
     public override bool HasHand(IReadonlyList<Card> cards)
          /* implement rule here */
          return Enumerable.Any(
              from x in cards
              group x by x.Value into g
              where g.Count() == 2
              select g
public class Player
     public IReadonlyList<Card> Hand { get; private set; }
     public int GetHandValue(IReadonlyList<Rule> rules)
          /* get value of hand 100, 200, 300 etc. */
          var handValue = Enumerable.Max(
               from x in rules
               where x.HasHand(Hand)
               select x.Value
          /* get value of cards */
          var cardValue = Hand
               .OrderByDescending(x => x.Value)
          return handValue + cardValue;
public class Pot
     public int Value { get; private set; }
     public IReadonlyList<Player> Players { get; private set; }
     public IReadonlyList<Player> GetWinners(IReadonlyList<Rule> rules)
          var playerHands = Enumerable.ToList(
              from x in players
              select new {
                  Player = x,
                  HandValue = x.GetHandValue(rules)
          var maxHand = playerHands.Max(x => x.HandValue);
          return Enumerable.ToList(
              from x in playerHands
              where x.HandValue == maxHand
              select x.Player