VB中的LINQ C#查询-获取错误

本文关键字:获取 取错误 查询 中的 LINQ VB | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:25:22



var prices = from allData in priceList
    group allData by new { month = allData.Date.Month, year = allData.Date.Year } into grp
    select new
        Month = grp.Key.month,
        Year = grp.Key.year,
        AvgHigh = grp.Average(c => c.High),


 dim GroupList = From allData In priceList SELECT New With 
            { _
                .month = allData.Date.Month, _
                .year = allData.Date.Year 
        Dim prices = From grp in GroupList _
        SELECT New With { _
                .Month = grp.month, _
                .Year = grp.year, _
                .AvgHigh = grp.Average(function(c) c.High) _


 BC36610: Name 'Average' is either not declared or not in the current scope.


VB中的LINQ C#查询-获取错误

VB在此类查询中的优势之一是易于在Group By语句中声明范围变量。无论如何,这里有一个可能的VB翻译:

Dim prices = From allData In priceList _
             Group allData By Month = allData.[Date].Month, Year = allData.[Date].Year Into Group _
             Select New With { _
                .Month = Month, _
                .Year = Year, _
                .AvgHigh = Group.Average(Function(c) c.High) _

我认为您将Select而不是Group allData By:

Dim prices = From allData In priceList
    Group allData By New With { _
        Key .month = allData.[Date].Month, _
        Key .year = allData.[Date].Year _
    Select New With { _
        Key .Month = grp.Key.month, _
        Key .Year = grp.Key.year, _
        Key .AvgHigh = grp.Average(Function(c) c.High) _