“类型赋值 3:四边形不包含采用 0 参数的构造函数” C#

本文关键字:参数 构造函数 包含采 赋值 类型 类型赋值 四边形 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:25:52

public class Quadrilateral
    public int Xb{get; set;}
    public int Xc{get; set;}
    public int Xd{get; set;}
    public int Yc{get; set;}
    public int Yd{get; set;}
    public Quadrilateral(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        Q = Xb;
        W = Xc;
        E = Yc;
        R = Xd;
        T = Yd;
    }//end of the constructor
    public void inspectshape(int Q,int W,int E,int R,int T)
        if (Yc == Yd) {
            Trapezoid trap = new Trapezoid ();
            trap.Area (Q,W,E,R,T);
        } else if (Yc == Yd && (Xc - Xd) == Xb) {
            Parallelogram para = new Parallelogram ();
            para.Area (Q,W,E,R,T);
        } else if (Yc == Yd && (Xc - Xd) == Xb && Xd == 0) {
            Rectangle rec = new Rectangle ();
            rec.Area (Q,W,E,R,T);
        } else if (Yc == Yd && (Xc - Xd) == Xb && Xd == 0 && Xc == Yc) {
            Square sq = new Square ();
            sq.Area (Q,W,E,R,T);
        } else {
            Quadrilateral quad = new Quadrilateral() ;
            quad.Area (Q, W, E, R, T); *here is the error*
    }//end of the method inspectshape
    public virtual void Area(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        double a = Q;//side length of AB
        double b = System.Math.Sqrt ((Q - W)*(Q - W) + (0 - E)*(0-E)); //side length of BC
        double c = System.Math.Sqrt ((W - R)*(W - R) + (E - T)*(E-T)); //side length of CD
        double d = System.Math.Sqrt (R*R + T*T); //side length of DA
        double z = (a + b + c + d) / 2; //irregular quadrilateral parameter z
        double Area = System.Math.Sqrt ((z - a) * (z - b) * (z - c) * (z - d)); //area of the quadrilateral
        Console.WriteLine ("Depends on the numbers given, this is a quadrilateral, and its area is" + Area);
    }//end of the method area
}//end of the class quadrilateral
class Trapezoid : Quadrilateral *here is another same type error*
    public override void Area(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        double a = System.Math.Sqrt ((W - R)*(W - R) + (E - T)*(E-T)); //upper side length or could use Xc-Xd
        double b = Q; //bottom side length
        double h = E; //the height of the trapezoid
        double Area = 0.5 * (a + b) * h;
        Console.WriteLine ("Depends on the numbers given, this is a trapezoid, and its area is" + Area);
    }//end of the method area
}//end of the class trapezoid
class Parallelogram : Trapezoid
    public override void Area(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        double b = Q;
        double h = T;
        double Area = b * h;
        Console.WriteLine ("Depends on the numbers given, this is parallelogram, and its area is" + Area);
    }//end of the method area
}//end of the class parallelogram
class Rectangle : Parallelogram
    public override void Area(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        double w = Q;
        double h = E;
        double Area = w * h;
        Console.WriteLine ("Depends on the numbers given, this is a rectangle, and its area is" + Area);
    }//end of the method area
}//end of the class rectangle
class Square : Rectangle
    public override void Area(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        double a = Q;
        double Area = a * a;
        Console.WriteLine ("Depends on the numbers given, this is a square, and its area is" + Area);

}//end of the class square;
public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args) //this is the entry point of my program
        Console.WriteLine ("Welcome to Quadrilateral shape inspection & area calculation system.");
        Console.Write ("Please give a integer for the point Xb: ");
        int Xb = Convert.ToInt32 (Console.ReadLine ());
        Console.Write ("Please give a integer for the point Xc: ");
        int Xc = Convert.ToInt32 (Console.ReadLine ());
        Console.Write ("Please give a integer for the point Yc: ");
        int Yc = Convert.ToInt32 (Console.ReadLine ());
        Console.Write ("Please give a integer for the point Xd: ");
        int Xd = Convert.ToInt32 (Console.ReadLine ());
        Console.Write ("Please give a integer for the point Yd: ");
        int Yd = Convert.ToInt32 (Console.ReadLine ()); 
        Quadrilateral quad = new Quadrilateral (Xb,Xc,Yc,Xd,Yd);
        quad.inspectshape (Xb,Xc,Yc,Xd,Yd);




“类型赋值 3:四边形不包含采用 0 参数的构造函数” C#

Quadrilateral quad = new Quadrilateral();

您需要在声明新的四边形时传入变量。您的错误消息说您没有接受 0 参数的构造函数,但您正在声明一个新的四边形对象并且不向其传递任何参数。


Quadrilateral quad = new Quadrilateral(Q, W, E, R, T);

由于您的四边形类构造函数具有 4 个参数,因此编译器将不再为您生成默认的 0 参数构造函数。






class Trapezoid : Quadrilateral
    public Trapezoid(int Q, int W, int E, int R, int T)
        : base(Q, W, E, R, T)
    { }
    // ...
