
本文关键字:恢复 父节点 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:26:23

<po-response xmlns="http://test.com/oms/v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="rest/oms/export/v3/purchase-order.xsd">
  <!--Generated on host [spapp403p.prod.ch4.s.com]-->
      <ship-to-name>JOHN DOH</ship-to-name>
      <address>1234 MADE UP LANE</address>
    <customer-name>JOHN DOH</customer-name>
        <item-name>Professional Chrome Dumbbell 1</item-name>
        <item-name>Professional Chrome Dumbbell 2</item-name>
        <item-name>Professional Chrome Dumbbell 3</item-name>

一种方法来恢复所有细节,特别是我遇到了一个问题,因为在上面的情况下可能有任意数量的 's,其中有三个,我需要在 中循环浏览这些,然后转到下一个。

我使用 XDcoument 使用以下代码,它只在一个 po 行上工作正常,但无法让它与多个 po 行一起使用。

xmlDoc = XDocument.Parse(sr.ReadToEnd());
XNamespace ns = "http://test.com/oms/v3";
var purchaseOrders = from purchaseOrder in xmlDoc.Descendants(ns + "purchase-order")
    select new
         PurcaseOrderNo = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "po-number").Value,
         PurchaseDate = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "po-date").Value,
         CustomerFullName = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "customer-name").Value,
         ItemId = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "po-line").Element(ns + "po-line-header").Element(ns + "item-id").Value,

我已经考虑过使用 foreach 循环并使用类似的东西遍历节点,但我需要带回该顺序的其他信息,而不仅仅是将结果限制为节点中的内容

foreach (XElement po in xmlDoc.Descendants(ns + "po-line"))
    string ItemId = po.Element(ns + "po-line-header").Element(ns + "item-id").Value;
    string SellingPrice = po.Element(ns + "po-line-header").Element(ns + "selling-price-each").Value;                                                        


所以我需要的结果是一行,例如,对于每个采购订单,客户详细信息将相同,但 itemId 将更改:

 customer email, po-number, ship-to name, item-id
    123456@test.com, 12345, JOHN DOH, ABC-12345
    123456@test.com, 12345, JOHN DOH, BCD-33022



 // Earlier query as before...
 select new
     PurcaseOrderNo = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "po-number").Value,
     PurchaseDate = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "po-date").Value,
     CustomerFullName = purchaseOrder.Element(ns + "customer-name").Value,
     ItemIds = purchaseOrder.Elements(ns + "po-line")
                            .Elements(ns + "po-line-header")
                            .Elements(ns + "item-id")
                            .Select(x => x.Value)

这将使您在每个结果中List<string> ItemIds


var query = from order in xmlDoc.Descendants(ns + "purchase-order")
            from line in order.Elements(ns + "po-line")
            select new
                PurcaseOrderNo = order.Element(ns + "po-number").Value,
                PurchaseDate = order.Element(ns + "po-date").Value,
                CustomerFullName = order.Element(ns + "customer-name").Value,
                ItemId = line.Element(ns + "po-line-header")
                             .Element(ns + "item-id")


public class PurchaseOrder
    XElement self;
    public PurchaseOrder(XElement self) { this.self = self; }
    public int Number
         get { return self.Get<int>("po-number", 0); }
    public POLine[] Lines
         get { return _Lines ?? (_Lines = self.GetEnumerable("po-line", xe => new POLine(xe)).ToArray()); }
    POLine[] _Lines;
public class POLine
    XElement self;
    public POLine(XElement self) { this.self = self; }
    public string ItemName
        get { self.Get("po-line-header/item-name", string.Empty); }


XElement xfile = // load your file
PurchaseOrder[] orders = xfile.GetEnumerable("purchase-order", xe => new PurchaseOrder(xe)).ToArray();
foreach(PurchaseOrder order in orders)
    // do something with the order number
    int number = order.Number;
    foreach(POLine line in order.Lines)
        // do something with the item name
        string itemName = line.ItemName;
