
本文关键字:应用程序 聊天 错误 信号 创建 一个 | 更新日期: 2023-09-27 18:26:55



using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace SignalRTutorials
    public class ChatHub:Hub
        public void Send(  string message)
            // Call the broadcastMessage method to update clients.
           //  Clients.All.broadcastMessage(name, message);


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="index.aspx.cs" Inherits="SignalRTutorials.index1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
   <title>SignalR Simple Chat</title>
    <style type="text/css">
        .container {
            background-color: #99CCFF;
            border: thick solid #808080;
            padding: 20px;
            margin: 20px;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
 <div class="container">
        <input type="text" id="message" />
        <input type="button" id="sendmessage" value="Send" />
        <input type="hidden" id="displayname" runat="server"  />
        <ul id="discussion">
    <!--Script references. -->
    <!--Reference the jQuery library. -->
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" ></script>
    <!--Reference the SignalR library. -->
    <script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.0.min.js"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.1.2.min.js"></script>
    <!--Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. -->
    <script src="signalr/hubs"></script>
    <!--Add script to update the page and send messages.--> 
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(function () {
            // Declare a proxy to reference the hub. 
            var chat = $.connection.chatHub;
            // Create a function that the hub can call to broadcast messages.
            chat.client.OnMessage = function (message) {
                // Html encode display name and message. 
          // var encodedName = $('<div />').text(name).html();
                var encodedMsg = $('<div />').text(message).html();
                // Add the message to the page.  + encodedName
                    + '</strong>:&nbsp;&nbsp;' + encodedMsg + '</li>');
            // Get the user name and store it to prepend to messages.
            $('#displayname').val(prompt('Enter your name:', ''));
            <% Session["Name"] = displayname.Value ;%>
            // Set initial focus to message input box.  
            // Start the connection.
            $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
                $('#sendmessage').click(function () {
                    // Call the Send method on the hub. 
                    chat.server.send(  $('#message').val());
                    // Clear text box and reset focus for next comment. 




public void Send(string message)
   Clients.Caller.broadcastMessage(message); // calling user will be broadcasted the message only.
   // OR use below one.
   Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).broadcastMessage(message); // Context.ConnectionId -- contains connectionid for calling user.

